December 21, 2014 - Hanukkah in 40 sq. meters
November 18, 2014 - A visit to “Svetozar Miletić” elementary school
November 7-9, 2014 - Women in Subotica
November 2014 - Door renewed, video surveillance, new signboard
October 21, 2014 - Exhibition Forgive us, you who are dead!
October 19, 2014 - New brochure on Activities of the JC Zemun published
October 10, 2014 - Promotion of our project in Macedonia
September 23rd, 2014 – Zemunians marked Rosh Hashanah 5775
July 27, 2014 - Commemoration to the Zemun Jews

May 25, 1014 -Annual Meeting of JCZ
May 12-18, 2014 -The Ex Yu Righteous inside the Kneset
April 28, 2014 - JCZ marks the Day of Yom Hashoah
April 22, 2014 - Pesach in the J.C. Zemun
March 23, 2014 – Zemunians on Purimu in Pancevo
February 1, 2014 - The Zemunians at the Sholet in Novi Sad
January 25, 2014 - The Righteus in Osijek
January 23, 2014 - Presentation "The Holocaust in Yugoslavia" in a school
January 21, 2014 - Our exhibition about the Righteous in Novi Sad

ARCHIVE OF PAST EVENTS: 2013 :: 2012 :: 2011 :: 2005-2010.

December 21, 2014 - Hanukkah in 40 sq. meters

That the efforts we have been making to regain our synagogue are fact-based became evident at the celebration of the 6th day of Hanukah within our Zemun community. Had politicians had at least some understanding for the needs of the Zemun Jewish Community, not to mention, kept their word of obligation, tonight we would have celebrated Hanukkah with our friend from Zemun, Pančevo, Belgrade and Toronto in the “Cultural Centre Synagogue – Zemun”. In keeping with the proverb “No home is small if its inhabitants are merry”, we celebrated the holiday of light and the “Miracle that happened There/Then”. Should it chance to happen, since it can only be by “chance”, and the synagogue is returned to our Community, it would no doubt present the subsequent MIRACLE upon the liberation of the Temple from Greek invaders and Zemun would miraculously be the first to gain a cultural center.
Once again this year ourlight, our youngest, were the center of our attention. David Montijas, president of Pančevo Jewish Community brought us a wonderful gift, a book for children about the celebration practices of all Jewish holidays. The privilege to speak about the holiday of light was this year given to Mira Kon, a Zemunian from Pančevo and the president of the Women’s sections of Jewish Communities in Serbia. Under the instructions of Mira Kon the children lit the first five candles, while the sixth was lit by the “instructress” herself. The cheer of the celebration was heightened when Nikola Salaćanin sang the Maoz Tzur song. The singing and general merriment was subsequently heightened by the best part of the celebration when Nenad, on behalf of the Zemun Judas Maccabbe, handed out gifts to the children. While the children played with their newest toys, the “gift” for the seniors arrived in the form of a spread of foods for which we have become renowned throughout the region! With the music flowing and food in abundance it was easy to talk and agree on some future joint activities with our friends from Zemun, Branko Najhold and Marijana Ajzenkol.
Till next year in the Synagogue, hopefully.

(Click on image to see our Photo Gallery. Photo: J. Rakita)

November 18, 2014 - A visit to “Svetozar Miletić” elementary school

President of JC Zemun, Mr. Nenad Fogel and coordinator of the youth committee, Mr. Vladimir Mijatović paid a visit to Zemun’s elementary school “Svetozar Miletić”. In our wish to support the enhancement of regular school and extra class activities we donateda video beam and projection screen to the school. School head master, Mr. Miroljub Mosurović expressed his gratitude for the gifts contributed and concurrently suggested that a copy of our exhibition “Judenlager Semlin” would be a welcome bequest to the school as a permanent, on show, school item. The Jewish Community in Zemun welcomed the suggestion made, since it believes that the staging of the exhibition insidean institution intended on broadening knowledge would be an exceptional means to present to both, students and their parents, the truth about the annihilation of Jews in Serbia.

In the photo: Vladimir Mijatović, Nenad Fogel, director Miroljub Mosurović and pupils Tijana and Andrej.

November 7-9, 2014 - Women in Subotica

The third gathering of representatives of Jewish Communities women’s sections from EX YU Republics was held in Subotica from November 7-9. The Jewish Community in Zemun was represented by Ms. Erna Kovačević and three other members. The women’s section of the Jewish Community of Subotica was the organizer of the gathering and their women membership made great effort to make their guests feel at home. The gathering program provided diversified activities so that each guest could find a theme close to heart. Danijela Danon, Zlata Nikolić, Dr. Melita Švob, Sonja Viličić, Dr. Olga Kovačev Ninkov and Dr. Sida Ozmo Steiner held exceptionally interesting lectures and they contributed to the diversification of the conference activity. Beside educative lectures, the participants also had an eventful entertainment program. Entertainment for the first evening was provided by songs sung by Nikola Salaćanin of Zemun. The women joined in, providing a sonorous choir of singers as his back up group. The second evening, the Osijek Јuкеbox bend played a grand repertoire of ex YU songs which took the ladies back into their days of youth and teenage memories. Byfar the most relaxed and boisterous, as the president of the Subotica section Ms. Đerđi Karadžić likes to state, were the girls from Macedonia. Of course all the other ladies made every effort to keep up with them. The visit to the “Zvonko Bogdan” vinery was a good opportunity to show all, what types of wine can be grown and made. In some instances no grapes are needed. At the end of this two day gathering of women’s sections from Serbia a working session was held. Besides renaming the section, which when put to vote was agreed unanimously it was agreed that future ties between the communities shall be upgraded by an exchange of program activity. Member of the Federation Executive Board and President of JC Zemun Mr. Nenad Fogel took the opportunity offered by the ladies to present suggestions for women’s future operational engagement in Community activity. Many were bewildered by his speech. However unexpected, we believe that it had given an incentive for deep thought on the future of the entire Jewish Community in Serbiia.

(Click on image to see our Photo Gallery. Photo: N. Fogel)

November 2014 - Our entrance door renewed, video surveillance installed and a new signboard placed

After a vandal attack in August our signboard was broken into pieces.

During November we renewed our entrance door and installed video surveillance.
Thanks to donation of Digital Art Company a new signboard was printed and placed.

October 21, 2014 - Exhibition Forgive us, forgive us, you who are dead!

Within the scope of the cooperation that exists between the Jewish Community in Zemun and the Center for Preserving Jewish Heritage, the Maribor Synagogue, tonight we opened in the Čubrilo atrium and gallery the exhibition Forgive Us, O You Dead! Jewish Soldiers of the Austro-Hungarian Army on the Insonzo Front.
The exhibition opening ceremony began with a brief musical program. Mr. Nikola Salaćanin performed three Jewish songs, to finally, be joined by the many present in singing together the last stances of Hevenu shalom alechem– We bring you peace. In her welcoming address to the Ambassador of Slovenia, H.E. Franc But, the Mayor of Zemun Municipality, Mr. Nenad Vranjevac, to guest present, and all Ambassadors, the Director of the Gallery, Ms. Borka Čubrilo once again touched on the traditional cooperation between the Čubrilo Gallery and the Zemun Jewish Community.
The President of the Jewish Community in Zemun, Mr. Nenad Fogel spoke on behalf of the Director of the Synagogue in Maribor, Dr. Marjan Toš and in welcoming all guest presenthe concurrently noted the great importance of intra regional cooperation, especially among the republics of former Yugoslavia. Certainly, a development of such cooperation can be achieved by strengthening the cultural bond between the Jewish Community in Zemun and the Synagogue in Maribor as the originator and organizer of the exhibition. Touching on the theme of the exhibition, i.e. the involvement of Jews in the Army of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, Mr. Nenad Fogel pointed out that Jews hadalways been citizens loyal to the countries in which they lived. Thus it ensued that Jews during the years of the Great War fought on both side in the conflict. Unfortunately, during World War II their loyalty was “rewarded” by mass genocide – the Holocaust, carried out by the very states, successors of the Great War, for which they had fought unwaveringly.
The Mayor of Zemun Municipality, Mr. Nenad Vranjevac also addressed guests present. Speaking of the carnages and devastation of the twentieth century, especially in the tumultuous Balkan region, he expressed his hope that the twenty first century would prove to be an era of cooperation.
H.E. Franc But, the Ambassador of Slovenia to Serbia is the ceremonial patron of the exhibition staged in Zemun. Addressing guest present, he began by greeting H.E. Joseph Levi, the Ambassador of Israel, H.E. Arif Mahmood, the Ambassador of Pakistan, H.E. Michael Davenport of the European Union and the representative of the German Embassy as well as all other guests present. In remembering the tragedy that befell all sides engaged in combat during the Great War he pointed out that over forty thousand Jews, among them some 1000 ranking officers of the Austro-Hungarian Army perished in battle. In rounding off his speech he noted that history, no matter how intricate, should be a means to connect people, laying stress on values that are common to us all, since there are plenty of themwe can fall back on.
The exhibition catalogue, published by the Jewish Community in Zemun, has been translated from Slovenian to Serbian by Prof. Dr. Maja Đukanović in collaboration with, Ms. Jelena Simić and Ms. Tamara Poleta. The authors of this exhibition are Dr. Petra Svoljšak and M.A. Renato Podberšić.

(Click on image to see our Photo Gallery. Photo: J. Rakita)

October 19, 2014 - New brochure on Activities of the JC Zemun published

Brochure "From Zemun to Jerusalem" on Activities of the JC Zemun for the period of 2012 -2014 is published.

Click on image to download the brochure and visit our YouTube chanel to see the video version.

October 10, 2014 - Promotion of our project in Macedonia

Continuing the promotions of our book "The Holocaust in Yugoslavia" and the "Traveling exhibition of good people," Jewish Community of Zemun performed on October 10 at the Club of Journalists of Macedonia in Skopje. The promotion was opened by Professor John Babanovski who organized the event. He presented the participants of the promotion: book editor and co-author of the exhibition, president of the Jewish Community of Zemun Nenad Fogel and Professor of Medicine in Skopje, Dr. Samuel Sadikario.
Addressing the audience Nenad Fogel first thanked Professor John Babanovski that, despite the tensions caused by the ebola announcements that appeared in Skopje, managed to convince visitors that the promotion of books is absolutely safe. He briefed the audience with the contents of the project in which he participated with his brother Milan Fogel for nearly two years. Bearing in mind that the promotion is held in the Club of Journalists, Nenad Fogel, inter alia, reviewed the work of journalists in Serbia, but in light of the relationship to the topics the Jewish Community of Zemun promote. Nenad pointed out that the majority of journalists remained indifferent to such a sensitive topic. Among other things, he concluded: "The journalistic profession is one of the most stressful professions. The Journalists mortality is far higher than in other occupations. However, it seems that in our transition processes somehow everything turned upside down, and now journalists in Serbia live much longer. The topic of the Holocaust that we dealt with, did not cause attention to them. Probably because we do not have the economic power that seems to overcome the more important part of journalism, such as curiosity, respect the facts and the desire to make ordinary people familiar with the most terrible events of our recent history. We, the descendants of the surviving Jews, remain the obligation of fostering remembrance of the 6 million Jews killed in Europe."
At the end of his speech he thanked everyone who participated in the writing of the book "The Holocaust in Yugoslavia" as weel as to technical editor, book and exhibition boards designer, Jugoslav Rakita who was also present at the promotion. He particularly emphasized the contribution of Zamila Kolonomos Sadikario, who gave permission to Milan Fogel to make a summary of many of her works about the sufferings of the Jews from Macedonia. Unfortunately she died during our work on the book.
Dr. Samuel Sadikario spoke about his mother with a lot of respect for her great research on Jewish topics. He shared her thoughts about the existence of God with the audience. Zamila Sadikario came from a very prominent family of Rabbi Kolonomos. Until the Second World War she was truly dedicated to her religion. Like many surviving Jews, after the horrific suffering in the Holocaust, she gave up faith in God. She could not accept that the death of 6 million Jews was God's punishment, and thought it was just proof that he does not exist. At the end Dr. Sadikario shared his thoughts with attendees on dozens of different topics, or rather feelings, such as love, hate, freedom, etc.
After the end of the official part, Nenad Fogel has answered numerous questions from the audience which showed great interest in the subject of the Holocaust and in still very present hatred of the Jews. Among other questions he was asked whether conflicts, misunderstandings and intolerance exist among Jews themselves. He reminded that the marriage between Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jews is still considered as "mixed" marriage, and that it clearly says on their mutual relations. He also noted that the promotion was not attended by the Jews of Macedonia (Sephardic), probably because he's Ashkenaz. Evidence that's not all is black and white is the claim of his late father Danilo that Zemun was an exception, a town where the two groups always lived in perfect harmony.
The presentation was attended by Deana Djukic, Cultural Attache of the Embassy of Serbia in Macedonia.

(Click on image to see our Photo Gallery. Photo: J. Rakita)

September 23rd, 2014 – Zemunians marked the upcoming Rosh Hashanah 5775

Members of our community and friends gathered at the premises of the JCZ to mark the onset of the Jewish New Year.
We have traditionally served apples and honey, as well as a rich additional menu of food and drinks. As always the most memorable was the enjoyable socializing and a cordial atmosphere.

July 27, 2014 - Commemoration to the Zemun Jews

Members of our community and delegation of the Zemun Municipality leaded by President Dejan Matic gathered today at the Jewish cemetery in Zemun, in memory of the Jews who were forced into cattle cars towards the camp of Jasenovac and Stara Gradiska on 27 July in 1942.
The commemoration was held in front of the memorial monument where the names of victims of Nazi terror were read. At the end members of JC Zemun and representatives of the Zemun Municipality laid wreaths at the monument to the victims.

(Click on image to see our Photo Gallery. Photos: Nenad Fogel & Ria Beherano).


May 25, 2014 - The Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of JCZ

The Annual Meeting of the Jewish Community in Zemun was held on May 25, 2014. The reports of the Supervisory Board and of all the Committees, as well as, that of the President were all unanimously approved. The Meeting also unanimously supported the announced planed activity and measures of the President of the JCZ designed to return our Synagogue to Zemun community.

The Assembly further approved the publishing of a new catalogue on JCZ activity within the period 2012 - 2014. At the end of the Meeting a decision was brought to initiate proceedings for submitting a formal proposal that the Partisan Movement be awarded the Righteous Medal by Yad Vashem.

May 12-18, 2014 -The Ex Yu Righteous inside the Kneset

In commemoration of the day of Victory over Fascism (May 9th), the Jewish Community in Zemun was granted with a special honor to present its project about the Holocaust in Yugoslavia to a prestigious audience inside the Israeli Parliament, the Knesset. Host to the event were the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Israel and the Knesset. The first part of the event, the academic discourse on the subject of the project, was held inside the Negev Hall. First to greet the audience were the General Director of the Knesset, Mr. Ronen Plot and Mr. Dan Oryan from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Israel. After the book on the Holocaust in Yugoslavia was presented to each Jew saved within the territory of Yugoslavia during World War Two present at the gathering, (unfortunately there are no living Righteous today), one of the saved Jews, Eng. Josef Žamboki addressed the gathered guests. In his touching speech he described the tragic fate of his family during the Holocaust stressing the indebtedness he felt for his savior Pal Žamboki, whose surname he kept after the war as a gesture of gratitude, for everything that he had done to save him and his sister Ružica. Mr. Robert Ilatov presented to Eng. Josef Žamboki  a special token of appreciation of the Knesset and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Israel (Teudat hokara Knesset) for Mr. Žamboki’s enormous contribution in advancing overall ties with Serbia, as well as his endless contributions to projects in connection with keeping alive the memory of Jews who perished during the Holocaust. Next to address the gathered guests were the authors of the exhibition about the righteous, Mr. Nenad and Mr. Milan Fogel. In their speeches they each expressed their gratitude to the State of Israel for giving them the opportunity to present the exhibition and its accompanying book “The Holocaust in Yugoslavia” inside the Knesset. They also expressed their gratitude to Mr. Žamboki for providing the necessary financial and logistic support for the realization of this grand project. Once the academic part of the event came to its close, the guests next viewed the exhibition placed on show in the Hall of Knesset’s prestigious Members of Parliament awardees of the grand Israeli title the – Pras Israel. Beside the Israeli TV Network the event was broadcasted by three Serbian TV networks, the RTS, B92 and Prva.

(Click on image to see our Photo Gallery. Photos: The Fogels & The Knesset).

April 28, 2014 - JCZ marks the Day of Yom Hashoah in the Svetozar Miletić School

On the occasion of the Day of Remembrance of the Holocaust –Yom Hashoa the Jewish Community in Zemun staged its exhibition “Semlin Jewish Camp” in the Zemun elementary school „Svetozar Miletić“. Opening the exhibition, one of its authors, Mr. Nenad Fogel thanked the school head master Mr. Miroljub Mosurović formaking it possible to present the said exhibition in the school hall, in commemoration of all Jews of Belgrade and Serbia who perished during World War II. At a distance ofless than 3 kilometers from the school, within the premises of the pre-war Belgrade Fair complex, early in December 1941 the Semlin Jewish camp was installed. Interned inside its walls were Belgrade Jews, mainly women, children and the old. In August 1941, at the other end of Belgrade city, within the concentration camp „Topovske šupe“, Jewish males were imprisoned and in turn killed as hostages in reprisals carried out by the occupier and the domestic collaboration authorities. The Semlin Jewish camp was closed on May 10, 1942 which date regrettably marked the slaughter of all Jewish camp inmates (over 6500 individuals). Following the initiative of head master Miroljub Mosurović to stage the exhibition, it was further proposed to professors of history, Mr. Zdenko Tošić and Mr. Ivan Spasojević to hold history lessons to their pupils, which number over 1000, in front of the staged exhibition on the subject of the Holocaust. The Jewish Community in Zemun handed out one copy each of the elaborately illustrated exhibition catalogue to all school professors, who together with the pupils’ parents present at the exhibition opening, viewed the exhibited panels studiously showing interest for many facts thus far unknown to them.Once the exhibition was open for viewing to the gathering, exhibition author had a long discussion with history professor Zdenko Tošić, and furthermore answered a number of interesting question put forward by the pupils’ parents.

(Click on image to see our Photo Gallery. Photo: J. Rakita)

April 22, 2014 - Pesach in the J.C. Zemun

Narrow circle of our members and friends marked the last day of this important Jewish holiday we in the premises of our community in Dubrovacka Street.

In a relaxed atmosphere we enjoyed a pleasant conversation and the traditional servings.

(Click on image to see our Photo Gallery. Photo: J. (sr i engl)

March 23, 2014 – Zemunians on Purim in Pancevo

The eight-member delegation from our community attended the celebration of Purim, which was organized by the Jewish Community of Pancevo. This time the celebration was organized in the premises of the Cultural Club "Petofi Sandor" from Pancevo.
The guests were first greeted by the president of J. O. Pancevo David Montijas, then the rabbi Isak Asiel and young activists talked about the origin and meaning of the holiday.
This was followed by a musical entertainment program in which performed a musician and actor Nicholas Salaćanin, Miroslav Žužić and "Shortcut Band" from Belgrade. After a earty refreshments the traditional raffle followed and announcement of the best masks.

(Click on left image to see our photo gallery and on the right image to see a video. Recorded by J. Rakita)

February 1, 2014 -The Zemunians at the Sholet in Novi Sad

A cold winter snowstorm with gusts of wind that heaped snow up to a height of four meters swept over Vojvodina, but could not deter the courageous team that set out from Zemun to take part in the appraising jury at the annual „Sholet“ cuisine gathering in Novi Sad. This year, due to the mentioned icy gale the “jury” was “short” of some of its usual members. Representatives from a few Jewish communities: Subotica, Zrenjanin, Kikinda and Pančevo could not make it to Novi Sad. However, we are glad to note that our friends from Osijek, Banja Luka, Sarajevo, Zagreb, Beograd, Niš, Sombor and Zemun were there to take their place at the degustation table. The unrelenting wind was also felt inside the Press room of the Novi Sad Fair where attending guest were accommodated. One had the intimation that some of the guests seated at the tables could at any moment stand up and depart and thus abandon the appraisal of the bean stew (sholet). However, many decided that the only solution to fight off the forces of nature was to dance to the music which brought back memories of youthful days and somewhat warmed up the atmosphere. It was a good thing that strippers were not planned for the partying. The Zemun jury finally decided that the sholet bean stew was of mediocre quality short of salt and requisite spices but nevertheless edible right up to the bottom of the cauldron to which it had caught on. The sauerkraut salad, chopped to the size of soup noodles together with the first-rate wine definitely heartened our spirits; to continue, since there were still poppy-seed and walnut strudels to be tasted, as a grand finale to the meal. Whether the police had been informed that cauldron cum other dishes were being attacked and scraped to their very ends, or some other reason had popped up, like perhaps, the snow, but they banned all vehicles from driving down the Novi Sad highway.

(Click on left image to see our photo gallery and on the right image to see a video. Recorded by J. Rakita)

January 25, 2014 - The Righteous among the citizens of Osijek

On the January 27, the International Day of Remembrance of Holocaust Victims, the Jewish Community in Osijek presented to its public the “Travelling Exhibition about Good People” by authors Milan and Nenad Fogel. The exhibition was staged in the elite gallery Vernissage in the very center of Osijek and will remain open to the public for the next ten days. To all visitors the Jewish Community in Zemun gave as gift the book “Holocaust in Yugoslavia”. The book contains texts about the extinction of Jews in Yugoslavia and in its addendum, the exhibition catalogue with numerous photographs of period historical events. The guest of honor at the exhibition opening was Mr. Aleksan-dar Nećak. The Secretary of the Jewish Community in Osijek, Mr. Drago Kohn presented to the many guests the representative of the Mayor of Osijek, Mr Jaroslav Pecnik, exhibition co-author Nenad Fogel and book co-author Mr. Aleksandar Nećak. In his opening speech Mr. Jaroslav Pecnik cited, the Nazi head hunter Simon Wiesenthal how in answer to the horrors of the Nazi regime he had dedicated his life to catching criminals and in doing so paid tribute to all those people who had not had the chance to survive the Holocaust: “Once a recapitulation on history is made I want people to know that the Nazis could not just exterminate millions of people and go unpunished ” Mr. Nenad Fogel thanked all visitors who came to view the exhibition stressing that among the 299 Righteous of Yugoslavia there were also a few from Osijek. In his speech Mr. Aleksandar Nećak declared the people who had saved Jews during the Holocaust as “people of high morals.” While there exist within a nation people such as the Righteous, one cannot speak of “good and evil nations”. Just as there wasn’t a single country that did not murder its Jews during World War Two, there were, on the other hand, righteous people in all countries in occupied Europe, even in Nazi Germany. Next, on the program, member of the Jewish community Osijek Miss Ema Štern, played two compositions on the clarinet. Mr. Duško Vernački, gallery director together with his family prepared a sumptuous cocktail party where exhibition visitors could continue to socialize with the guests from Belgrade. Present at the exhibition opening were reporters from a few radio stations and a team from TV Osijek.

(Click on left image to see our exhibition opening photo gallery and on the right image to see school visits)

January 23, 2014 - The Presentation of the Book “Holocaust in Yugoslavia” in the elementary school “Svetozar Miletić”

Within the scope of the International Day of Remembrance of Holocaust Victims the Jewish Community in Zemun held a presentation of the book “Holocaust in Yugoslavia” for the teachers of the “Svetozar Miletić” school. Mr. Miroljub Mosurović, the head master of the “mother” of all schools in Zemun, founded 286 year ago, was host to some of the authors of this important book. Book editor Nenad Fogel presented to the teachers the esteemed authors who participated in the realization of this project: Prof. Dr. Olivera Milosavljević, of the Belgrade Faculty of Philosophy, Dr. Olga Manojlović Pintar, research associate of the Institute for contemporary history and Mr. Aleksandar Nećak, member of the executive board of the Genocide Victims Museum. Within the time frame of one school lesson, “from school bell to school bell,” the authors spoke of the importance of perpetual recollection of this unique event in the history of mankind; the state organized annihilation of six million Jews throughout Europe during World War Two, which we know today as the Holocaust. Professor Milosavljević pointed out that forty, even thirty years ago there was no need to hold meetings such as the present one, in view of the fact that persons responsible for the death of millions of people were still alive then, as well as those who had had the luck to survive the horrors of the Holocaust, not forgetting the ones, who had stood by and watched from aside the events that had taken place. At the time it was enough to organize commemorations, since there was no dilemma about the fact that Nazism and Fascism had been defeated. Today, with the rebirth of right-wing politics, Nazism, Fascism, xenophobia and intolerance and the fact that there are practically no more contemporaries of the events that took place, or those living are very scarce, it is necessary to constantly go back in history and remind present generations of the horrendous fate of Jews. Should we fail to do so, the possibility of history repeating itself is quite conceivable. Dr. Manoj-lović Pintar, spoke of her child, a pupil, on whose jacket a friend had drawn a large Nazi cross on the back from one shoulder to the other. She pointed out that it was a good example of a chance given to teachers to make use of and explain to their pupils, who have yet to become adults, the exact meaning of this symbol. Mr. Aleksandar Nećak talked to the teachers about the “Righteous among Nations” medal which the State of Israel awards to people who during World War Two saved Jews. He laid emphasis on the need to constantly acknowledge these people, citizens of Serbia of all nationalities, for the bravery shown under German occupation. Serbia must learn to be proud of its 130 Righteous and to keep them in memory by speaking of them, raising monuments, naming streets, town squares and institutions after them. It is only through such acts that Serbia will show it respects and honors its most courageous citizens. The sound of the bell announcing the end of the lesson cut short the possibility for teachers to ask questions and talk to their guests. The 40 copies of the book, which the Jewish Community in Zemun donated to the school library, will hopefully be an incentive to them to acquaint themselves with the exhibition about the Righteous, and gain new insight about persons responsible for the tragedy of Jews in Yugoslavia.

January 21, 2014 - The opening of the Exhibition about the Righteous in Novi Sad

To commemorate the Novi Sad massacre of Jews, the Jewish Community in Zemun opened in the premises of the Jewish Community in Novi Sad, “The travelling Exhibition about Good People” and presented its new edition the book “Holocaust in Yugoslavia” together with the exhibition catalogue. In her address to the gathered visitors Ms. Edita Jankov, the head of cultural program of JC Novi Sad introduced the promotion participants: co-author and book editor, president of JC Zemun, Mr. Nenad Fogel, book author, research fellowof the Institute of contemporary history Dr. Olga Manojlović Pintar and book co-author, member of the executive board of the Genocide Victims Museum, Mr Aleksandar Nećak. In his address to the audience Mr. Nenad Fogel spoke of his and his brother’s Milan long-term research work and effort to preserve in memory the brave and good-hearted people who during World War Two saved Jews. He expressly thanked the donors who had made it possible to realize the exhibition about the Righteous, about people who consciously endangered their own existence, as well as that of their families, by saving Jews. He also thanked the authors of the book “Holocaust in Yugoslavia” for contributing texts in which they explicitly wrote of the great courage needed, in those war-torn times to help sometimes even complete strangers of Jewish descent. Dr. Olga Manojlović Pintar stressed the importance of such a publication in which the memory of the Holocaust is kept alive. The book, free of any ideological encumbrance, written in a simple and unambiguous style is based on facts and historical events and devoid of any mythical interpretations, should, as such be introduced as an essential input to further education about the Holocaust in school programs in all countries created after the break-up of Yugoslavia. Mr. Aleksandar Nećak pointed out that the book states by name and surname all who had brought into effect the planned project of annihilation of Jews in the territory of Yugoslavia. At present, when documented collaborators of the occupying forces are being rehabilitated in most dubious ways, this book can serve as a true example of resistance to the generally condoned reinterpretation of the recent history, claiming further, that there will be many who will find fault with the books unequivocal presentation of the truth. In his conclusion Mr. Nećak stressed that it is our obligation to persist in the course set by this entire project. The presentation was continued by an informal discussion with the audience to whose many questions the authors readily gave answers.

(Click on image to see our Photo Gallery. Photo: J. Rakita)

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