The next publishing project started by the Jewish Community in Zemun was the publishing of the book ''Gallery Under the Open Sky''. The author of this book of humoresques, Milan Fogel, gave the complete proceeds from the book to the Jewish Community in Zemun. This was his contribution to our efforts to collect the necessary funds for the repurchasing of the Synagogye.
The book was published in 2002, in 500 copies,
ISBN 86 – 903319 – 0 – 5,COBISS-ID 101736716
You can order ''Gallery Under the Open Sky'' by our e-mail jozemun@Eunet.yu , or on the phone number +381 11 195 626, with the secretary of our community. All the proceeds from the book will go towards the fund set up for repurchasing the Synagogye in Zemun.
It soon turned out that it was a good choice to publish Milan Fogel’s first book. In 2002, Milan Fogel took part in 46th competition organised by the Federation of Jewish Communities in Yugoslavia. For his new book of collected humoresques he was unanimously awarded the first prize in the category of literary work. The following year, we set about publishing the award-winning book, with the title “The Return to the Response”.
The book was published in 2003, in 500 copies, ISBN 86-903319-2-1, COBISS.SR-ID 106498572
At the 46th SJOJ literary awards ceremony, one of the jury members and a writer, Filip David, said:
“This literary group is always the most difficult category to be judged. One of the reasons is because it is the most prolific one, and, also, because our judgment in this category tends to be, after all, partial. When we discuss memoirs and scientific papers, there is always some criterion, which we have to follow, and which helps us to decide. In this category, however, it is more the question of personal attitude towards the contents of the work, so the criteria can differ. Fortunately, this time the awards were decided on unanimously...I would now say a few words about the award-winning literary works. The excerpt you have just heard comes from the collection of short stories “Next Year in Jerusalem” (the book was entered for the competition under this name, and was later published as “The Return to the Response”). This collection contains some thirty short stories, mainly humorous and reminiscent of Ephraim Kishon. They deal with the problems of an immigrant who comes to Israel and has to face the bureaucracy and different mentality. He also meets new people and comes across old acquaintances. Overall, the stories are pretty much unified and deal with original topics. We didn’t have literary works like this one so far, and this was definitely one of the reasons why we have awarded this book the first prize.”
With the permission from the author, we publish several stories from the award-winning book in Serbian and English. Incidentally, the author professes to write in a non-existent Serbo-Croatian language. When we asked him to tell us the reason why he didn’t choose one or the other language, he simply replied:I don’t mind writing in a dead language, as long as I am still alive”.
Milan Fogel je rođen 1947. godine u Subotici. Godinu dana kasnije njegovi roditelji su dobili premestaj u Novi Sad gde je Milan započeo školovanje.
Milanovi roditelji su ponovo dobili premeštaj, ovog puta u Beograd. Po prelasku u Beograd Milan je završio osnovnu školu, maturirao je u VIII beogradskoj gimnaziji i diplomirao na Ekonomskom fakultetu.
Kao gimnazijalac je pokazivao sklonost za pisanje, o čemu su njegovi profesori jezika imali ekstremno različito mišljenje. U toku četvrogodišnjeg školovanja je imao tri profesora srpsko-hrvatskog jezika, a njihove ocene su se kretale od one najniže do najviše.
Prvi put se Milanu ukazala prilika da se oproba u književno-novinarskom poslu za vreme odsluženja vojnog roka u Beloj Crkvi. Pokrenuo je Bilten koji je pored veoma serioznih članaka sadržavao i humorističku rubriku. Njegovi aforizmi na vojničke teme podjednako su zabavljali starešine i njegove drugove vojnike.
Nakon odsluženja vojnog roka, zaposlen u struci, Milan je duže vreme zapostavio pisanje.
Kada se sa porodicom preselio u Izrael, nova sredina bila je novi izazov za njegove potisnute spisateljske mogućnosti. Zapažajući detalje iz života njegovih novih sugrađana napisao je prvu zbirku humoreski pod naslovom "Galerija pod vedrim nebom". Kompletno izdanje prve knjige Milan je poklonio Jevrejskoj opštini Zemun, uzevši na taj način učešće u dobrotvornoj akciji sakupljanja sredstava za otkup zemunske sinagoge.
U potrazi za ličnom afirmacijom Milan je učestvovao sa novom zbirkom humoreski na 46. književnom konkursu Saveza jevrejskih opština Jugoslavije. Žiri je jednoglasno doneo odluku da se prva nagrada dodeli njegovoj zbirci koja se objavljuje pod naslovom "Povratak u odgovor".
Milan Fogel je aktivan u Udruženju useljenika iz bivše Jugoslavije u Izraelu (Hitahdut Oley ex-Yu); trenutno se nalazi na funkciji predsednika Komisije za kulturu. |