Besides our basic intention to inform you about activities in our community we would like to offer you to actively participate in creation of our pages. There is countless number of topics that can be elaborated. The only condition to publish your item is that it is about Jewish matters. We would like to gather as more external co-authors as possible who have something to say to the public in the field of literature, religion, culture, humanitarian and social activities, struggle against anti-Semitism and xenophobia as well as other fields that might be of your interest. We will try to publish your articles without editorial interventions
Your suggestions and works can be sent to our e-mail address:
All your items, benevolent or not, are very welcome, but will not be subject of remuneration, no matter whether published or they finish in our “bin”.
The contents of this website, including (but not limited to) all written material, images, photos, and code, are protected under international copyright and trademark laws. You may not copy, reproduce, modify, republish, transmit or distribute any material from this site without express written permission from the Jewish Community of Zemun. The cost for publishing texts is RSD 10,000.00 per text, regardless of the length of the text itself. The price for individual photographs is 150 (one hundred and fifty) EUR in RSD equivalent at the middle exchange rate of the National Bank of Serbia on the day of payment.
Nenad Fogel, President of Jewish Community of Zemun |