It is assumed that in medieval Zemun there were a few of isolated Jew families. According to the known archive material, it can be said with certainty that Jews named Josef Isaac and Isaac Mosey were residents of Zemun in 1726.

 In 1739 a group of around twenty Ashkenazi families emigrated from Belgrade and inhabited Zemun. That year is considered as a year of foundation of Jewish Community in Zemun.

 According to census in 1756, fifteen of the Jewish families lived in their own houses, four of the families were tenants and in one community building cantor, teacher, shakhter and school steward were living.

 Jews in Zemun were “tolerated”, meaning were subjected to various limitations. They couldn’t open crafts or trade shops in the town center and they could only live grouped around Dubrovacka Street. In spite of that there were some favorable solutions for protecting community spirit, religion and tradition.

By decision of General Command of Slavonia-Srem military border in Osijek dated April 22nd 1755, Jewish judges and church heads were permitted to judge in civil legal cases where Jews were involved. City hall administration was even instructed to support and help them performing their duties.

In 1753 nineteen Jewish families were privileged to live in Zemun.

In 1816 by the imperial decree 30 Jewish families were allowed to live in Zemun.

On February 27th 1868 emperor Franz Joseph recognized equal rights to Jews living within the military border. From that time all the limits regarding settling, buying of properties or choice of profession were abolished. Collecting of Protection Tax from Jews was also canceled.


Ashkenazi Synagogue

There are some records that already in 1739 cantor lived in the Jewish House. No data about his name.

The first Zemun rabbi was Raav Yechuda Yeruham. No records about years of his service.

Rabbi Alexander Israel came after death of Yechuda Yeruham. Israel is mentioned in 1794 court documents. Also mentioned in preserved records from 1803. He died in Zemun in 1808.

Rabbi Joseph Fridensberger came after death of Israel and stayed until 1823.

Rabbi Shlomo Hirsh served in Zemun from 1823 till 1825.

Rabbi Yechuda ben Shlomo Hay Alkalay was Zemun rabbi from 1825 till 1874.

Rabbi S.D. Tauber served in Zemun from 1874 till 1909.

Dr. Hinko Urbach was in Zemun from 1909 till 1928 as arch rabbi.

Cantor Gershon Kachka served in Zemun before World War 1. When Urbach left he conducted priest duties by himself till 1941, i.e. till Nazi occupation.

Sephardi Synagogue

No records of years of serving. The order of serving was as follows:

- M.B. Aharon

- Shabetay

- Moshe Bahar

- Yichak Musafiya

Musafiya was Haham and served until the beginning of Nazi occupation in 1941.