Grobno mesto
Grave position
Kamenorezac /



(Kliknite na sliku da je uvećate / click on image to enlarge)
Imena sahranjenih: Names of buried:

Izidor L. Švajcer

Isidor L. Schweizer

Natpis na spomeniku (prednja strana):
Epitaph (front side of the gravestone):

Izidor L Švajcer
1891. – 1963.

(Epitaf ispisan na srpskom)

Isidor L. Schweizer
Isidor L. Schweizer
1891. – 1963.

(Translated into English from Serbian)

Natpis na spomeniku (stražnja strana):
Epitaph (back side of the gravestone):



Dodatne informacije o porodici Additional info about the family

Isidor Švajcer, došao u Jevrejsku opštinu Zemun početkom dvadesetih godina prošlog veka (XX). Rođen je 1891. godine u selu Matra Sele, okrug Lerinc u Mađarskoj. Imao je više braće i sestara.

Isidor je izučio rezbarski zanat. Bio je izuzetan majstor. Zemunski stolari su sa velikim poverenjem koristili njegove usluge, jer su njegovi radovi ličili na umetnička dela. To mu je spaslo život, jer su ga fašistički funkcioneri zadržali u Zemunu, da za njih radi duborez. Tako je preživeo okupaciju.

Još u Kuli, gde je kao drvorezac radio pre preseljenja u Zemun, upoznao je Mariju rođenu Rebštok (rođena u Kuli 1892.) sa kojom se venčao. Imali su samo jednu ćerku, Margitu, rođenu 1919. u Kuli.

Margita je odrasla u Zemunu i tu se 1938. godine udala za mornaričkog oficira, Zvonimira Horvata. Iz tog braka rođeno je dvoje dece. Nikola, mlađe dete, rođen je 1941., a Aleksandra je rođena 1940. godine u Zemunu.

Aleksandra Horvat se venčala sa Ivanom Klajnom. Ivanov deda, Samuel Klajn, bio je rodom iz Ungvara u Mađarskoj. U tamošnjoj Jevrejskoj školi predavao je hebrejski jezik. Negde 1890. doselio se u Vukovar i otvorio prodavnicu pamučnih proizvoda. Oženio se Sofijom rođenom Grin, koja je bila poreklom iz Slavonije. Imali su dva sina i tri ćerke. Stariji sin, Rihard, poginuo je u Prvom svetskom ratu.

Mlađi sin, Hugo Klajn, rođen je 1894. u Vukovaru. U Beču je završio medicinske studije. Godine 1919. doselio se u Beograd, kao jedan od prvih psihoanalitičara u Srbiji. Pisao je stručne i popularne publikacije iz oblasti psihoanalize i bio cenjen kao vrhunski stručnjak u toj oblasti.

U godinama Drugog svetskog rata krio se pod lažnim imenom u Beogradu i tako je preživeo okupaciju. Njegov otac i tri sestre ubijeni su u Jasenovcu, tj. Staroj Gradiški.

Hugo Klajn se posle rata posvetio pozorištu, za koje je oduvek pokazivao veliko interesovanje i ljubav.

Hugo se 1936. godine oženio Stanom Đurić, pijanistkinjom i muzikologom. Njihov jedini sin Ivan rođen je 1937, redovan je profesor Filološkog fakulteta i redovni član SANU. Sa Aleksandrom Horvat ima jednog sina, Olivera, rođenog 1976. godine.

Isidor Schweizer, settled in the Zemun Jewish Community in the early twenties of the last century (XX). He was born in 1891 in the village of Matra Sele, county of Lerinz in Hungary. He had a number of brothers and sisters.

Isidor had mastered the craft of wood-carving. He was an expert in his trade. Since his works were literally works of art, the carpenters of Zemun having absolute faith in his skills readily employed him. His exceptional skills saved his life, as the high ranking Fascists kept him in Zemun in their private employ. Producing extraordinary carved wood pieces for them he managed to stay alive throughout the occupation.

In his early years as a wood carver in Kula he met Maria nee Rebstock (born in Kula 1892) and married her. Their only child was Margita, a daughter, born in Kula in 1919.

Margita grew up in Zemun. In 1938 she married a naval officer, Zvonimir Horvat. They had two children. Nikola, the younger child was born in 1941 and Alexandra in 1940 in Zemun.

Alexandra Horvat married Ivan Klein. Ivan’s grandfather, Samuel Klein was by birth from Ungvar in Hungary. There he held lessons in Hebrew in the Jewish school. Round 1890 he moved to Vukovar and opened a store for cotton made products. He married Sophia, nee Grin, who was a native from Slavonia. They had two sons and three daughters. The elder son Richard was killed in the First World War.

The younger son Hugo Klein, was born in Vukovar in 1894. He studied and graduated medicine in Vienna. In 1919 he settled in Belgrade, and was one of the first psychoanalysts in Serbia. He wrote professional and popular publications on the subject of psychoanalysis and was acknowledged as a top expert in this field of science.

During the period of the Second World War he hid in Belgrade under an alias and managed to survive the occupation. His father and three sisters were killed in Jasenovac, i.e. Stara Gradiska.

After the war Hugo Klein devoted himself to the theater scene. He had always shown true interest and admiration for it.

In 1936 Hugo married Stana Djuric, a pianist and musicologist. Their only son Ivan was born in 1937. He is a full time professor at the Faculty of Philology and is a member of SANU (Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts). He has a son with Alexandra Horvat, called Oliver born in 1976.