Grobno mesto
Grave position
Kamenorezac /



(Kliknite na sliku da je uvećate / click on image to enlarge)
Imena sahranjenih: Names of buried:

Natan i Fana Lebl

Nathan and Fanna Lebl

Natpis na spomeniku (prednja strana):
Epitaph (front side of the gravestone):

ovde počiva
naš dobri tata
Natan Lebl
1873. – 1962.
i plemenita mama
Fana Lebl
1880. – 1966.

(Epitaf ispisan na srpskom)

here lies
our good dad
Nathan Lebl
1873. – 1962.
and kind mom
Fanna Lebl
1880. – 1966.

(Translated into English from Serbian)

Natpis na spomeniku (stražnja strana):
Epitaph (back side of the gravestone):



Dodatne informacije o porodici Additional info about the family