Grobno mesto
Grave position
Kamenorezac /



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Imena sahranjenih: Names of buried:

Aladar Polak

Aladar Pollak

Natpis na spomeniku (prednja strana):
Epitaph (front side of the gravestone):

Ovde počiva mladić Avram Šmuel, sin poštovanog Pinhasa, umro 17. Kisleva 5667 praoci, sestre i braća plaču za njih i za tebe, puno si činio za svoj narod, duboko mislen u svojoj glavi, popeo si se u visine u mladim danima, čuj i raduje se u senci Boga, kad dođe Mesija u Cion

Neka njegova duša bude besmrtna

(prevedeno s hebrejskog)

Aladar Polak
pesnički pseudonim Radala
rođen 21. novembra 1890.
živeo za jevrejsku veru
umro za svoju domovinu
12. decembra 1916.
duboko ožaljen od njegovih
roditelja, braće i sestara

(prevedeno s nemačkog)

Here lies a young man Abraham Samuel, son of hon. Pinchas, who died on 17. Kislev 5667.  forefathers, sisters and brothers lament them and you, you have done much for your people, deeply thoughtful, you soared high in your youth harken and rejoice in the shade of God when the Messiah comes to Zion

May his soul be bound up in the bond of eternal life

(Translated into English from Serbian translation of original Hebrew texts)

Aladar Pollak
poetic pseudonym Radala
born on November 21st, 1890.
he lived for the faith of Jews
he died for his homeland
on December 12th, 1916.
deeply mourned by his
parents, brothers and sisters

(Translated into English from Serbian translation of original German texts)

Natpis na spomeniku (stražnja strana):
Epitaph (back side of the gravestone):



Dodatne informacije o porodici Additional info about the family

Aladar Polak, pseudonim Radala, rođen je u Zemunu 1890. godine iz braka Filipa Polaka i Fani Hercl. Njen otac je bio rođeni brat oca Teodora Hercla. Aladar je gimnaziju završio u Zemunu, a prava u Zagrebu. Već kao gimnazijalac u 16. godini piše pod pseudonimom Radala. Pod istim pseudonimom piše u bečkoj štampi dopise iz Zemuna. Pisao je pesme i prozu, a prevodio je i dela Maksa Nordauna, poznatog socijalističkog mislioca i cioniste.

Kao oduševljeni cionista zalagao se za aktivan i borbeni odnos Jevreja, a protiv fatalističkog prepuštanja  sudbini. Duboko je saosećao u tragedijama Jevreja koje su se baš u njegovo vreme događale. Očigledno ogorčen posledicama pogroma u Rusiji, piše pesmu iz koje navodimo dve poslednje strofe:

Stoga, narode, uvidi opasnost
koja ti dnevno preti sa svih strana
samo TI SAM možeš sebi da pomogneš
ako ti uzbukti stara snaga!
Nemoj čekati “belog magarca” (Mesiju)
skoči na noge ne malaksaj;
Teodor ti je jednom ukazao na put
koji te iz mraka vodi u svetlo.
Probudi se, narode moj, pa se opaši:
Seti se odvažnosti svojih predaka:
Ne savij leđa, ne saginji se
nikada više neprijatelju
koji želi da te udari.
Probudi se, narode moj
i hvataj se mača
i nikada ne podnosi mirno nepravdu.

Nažalost, umno delovanje ovog vrsnog intelektualca prekinuto je njegovom preranom smrću. Umro je u 25. godini života.

Aladar Pollak, pen name Radala, was born in Zemun in 1890. His parents were Philip Pollak and Fani Herzl. Her father was brother to Theodore Herzl’s father. Aladar graduated from the Zemun gymnasium, and completed his law studies in Zagreb. Early on while still in gymnasium he began to write in his 16th year under the pen name Radala. Under the same pseudonym he wrote articles for the Vienna press. He wrote stories and poetry, translated the works of Max Nordaun, a well known philosopher of socialism and a Zionist.

As an admirer of Zionism he believed that Jews should have an active and challenging standpoint. He opposed the fatalistic view that no matter what, fate would take its course. He felt deeply for the tragedies Jews were experiencing at the time. Embittered evidently by the consequences of the holocaust in Russia he wrote a poem from which we here quote the last two stanzas.

Thus, my people behold the encompassing danger
That threatens you day in, day out
YOU ALONE can save yourself
Once you find your strength again
Wait not for the “white mule” (Messiah)
Stand up on your feet, do not be frail
Theodore has once already shown you the way
That leads you from darkness to daylight
Wake up my people and brace yourself
Remember the boldness of your predecessors
Do not bend yourselves,
Never again crawl before a foe
Who dare strikes to topple you with a blow
Wake up my people. To swards.
Never again succumb to injustice without a fight.

Unfortunately, the studious activity of this great intellectual was cut short by his early death. He died at the age of 25.