Grobno mesto
Grave position
Kamenorezac /



(Kliknite na sliku da je uvećate / click on image to enlarge)
Imena sahranjenih: Names of buried:

Aron J. Amodaj

Aaron J. Amodai

Natpis na spomeniku (prednja strana):
Epitaph (front side of the gravestone):

Овде почива
Арон Ј. Амодај
бивши трговац
рођен 1864.
умро 25. децембра 1916.
ожалошћена супруга
са децом
мајка и остала родбина

(Epitaf ispisan na srpskom/ćirilica)

Here lies
Aaron J. Amodai
former merchant
born 1864.
died on 25. December 1916.
mourned by his wife
mother and relatives

(Epitaph is translated from Serbian language into English/ Cyrillic alphabet)

Natpis na spomeniku (stražnja strana):
Epitaph (back side of the gravestone):



Dodatne informacije o porodici Additional info about the family