Grobno mesto
Grave position
Kamenorezac /



(Kliknite na sliku da je uvećate / click on image to enlarge)
Imena sahranjenih: Names of buried:

Rahel Farhi

Rachel Farchy

Natpis na spomeniku (prednja strana):
Epitaph (front side of the gravestone):

Ovde počiva časna i draga žena poznata dobrotvorka koja je činila dobra dela, gospođa Rahel žena Moše Farhija iz porodice Koen, umrla 9. Ijara 5662.

(prevedeno s hebrejskog)

Ovde počiva u miru
Rahel Farhi
rođena Koen
umrla 16. maja 1902.
u njenoj 60. godini života
duboko ožaljena od njenog supruga
i dece
dremaj nežno ti mila, duboko
oplakana od tvog supruga i dece
samo bog može da nam ublaži bol.
što si učinila za svoje drage
ostaće nam večno u srcu zapisano

(prevedeno s nemačkog)

Here lies an decent and dear lady a renowned benefactress who did many good deeds, mistress Rachel wife to Moses Farchy of the Cohen family, died 9. Iyyar 5662.

(Translated into English from Serbian translation of original Hebrew texts)

Here rests in peace
Rachel Farchy
nee Cohen
died 16. May 1902.
in the 60th year of her life
deeply mourned by her husband
and children
sleep sweetly our dearest, truly
lamented by your husband and children
only God can ease our pain
all that you have bestowed on your dear ones
shall remain imprinted in each heart forever

(Translated into English from Serbian translation of original German texts)

Natpis na spomeniku (stražnja strana):
Epitaph (back side of the gravestone):



Dodatne informacije o porodici Additional info about the family

Boris Farkić (alijas Farhi) rođen je 1947. godine u Beogradu. Završio je studije medicine u Beogradu.

Njegov pradeda, Moses Moša Farhi rođen je 1837. godine u Zemunu. Bio je oženjen Rahel Ruso, koja takođe rođena u Zemunu 1841. godine. Iz tog braka rodilo se sedmoro dece:

Sara (1862. – 1941.), koja je bila udata za Avrama Kalderona (1854.- 1905.). Oni su imali osmoro dece: Bubi, Moric, Lena, Rahela, Sultana, Matilda, Netika i Sefira.

Elisa ( 1864. – 1930. ) bila udata za Samuela Fogela ( 1855. – 1941. ). Imali su troje dece:  Mizi, Hilda  i Dr Frederik.

Isak ( 1866. – 1937. ), oženjen Leontine ( 1879. – 1928.) . Nisu imali dece.

Ješa Dr ( 1870. – 1941. ) oženjen Alisom  (1882. 1942.). imali su troje dece: Editu, Miroslava i Lilli.

Regina ( 1875. – 1942.) udata za Salamona Elijasa ( 1880.- 1945.). Nisu imali dece.

Josef ( 1877. – 1941. ). Oženjen sa Dorom ( 1887. –1942.). Imali su sina Roberta.

Leon ( 1879. – 1941.) oženjen Olgom ( 1898. –1941.)  Imali su troje dece: Eriha, Lilli i Alfreda. Pored njih je Leon imao i vanbračnu  kćer Josefinu (1906.)

Miroslav ( alijas Fric) bio je rođen 1906. godine, po jednoj verziji u Austriji, a po drugoj u Smederevu. Naime, Fricov otac, dr Ješa Farhi, rođeni zemunac, srednju školu kao i fakultete hemije i tehnologije završio je u Nemačkoj ( Nirnberg, Recklinghausen). Izmedju ostalog, pohađao je časove fizičke hemije kod Vilhelma Rentgena. Kao mlad doktor hemije i tehnologije, Ješa Farhi službovao je u više mesta u tadašnjoj austrougraskoj. Tako je bio direktor cementare u Popovcu, zatim u Beočinu i u Ravnicama kod Omiša. Zato se porodica češće selila. Dr Ješa je 1941 godine umro od infarkta u Zemunu.

Fric ( Miroslav) Farhi završio je od 1924. do 1927. godine Višu komercijalnu školu u Beču. Za vreme školovanja živeo je kod svoje bake Paule. Fric je zabeležio svoja putovanja brodom od Beča do Zemuna i nazad. Opisao ih je kao raskošna putovanja bogatog sveta iz Austrije i Mađarske. Radio je u više poznatih  beogradskih trgovinskih firmi i ubrajao se u viši građanski stalež.

Fric je preživeo Drugi svetski rat tako što je pao u nemačko zarobljeništvo.U Holokaustu mu je stradala majka Alisa, zatim žena iz prvog braka Alegra i sin Mihajlo. Inače je u Holokaustu stradalo 29 članova podorice Farhi.

Posle povratka iz zarobljeništva Fric se oženio Šarikom Romano iz Sarajeva. Iz toga braka rodio se sin jedinac Boris.

U posleratnom periodu Fric je službovao u konzularnom predstavništvu Jugoslavije u Berlinu. Za vreme Rezolucije informbiroa odbio je poziv oficira iz Vojne misije Jugoslavije u Berlinu da emigrira u London. Kao pravi patriota vratio se u Beograd. Vrstan komercijalista, a uz to je i tečno govorio nemački, engleski i francuski, često je putovao u inostranstvo ( Egipat, London, Grčka, Pakistan itd. ). Službovao je u više značajnih firmi, kao što su Avala Film, Filmske Novosti i konačno u Hempru. Od 1956. do 1959. godine radi u Dugom Ratu kod Omiša, a od 1959. g. u fabrici Viskoza u Loznici. Porodica Farhi ( zbog pojava antisemitizma ) menja prezime u Farkić.

Fric je umro 1983. godine u Loznici, a njegova supruga Šarika 1985. godine.

Boris se oženio Poljakinjom Izabelom Riznik. Imaju dvoje dece: ćerku Ljiljanu, koja je udata za Slobodana Jevtića  i sina Mihajla, lekara, koji je ime dobio po dedinom sinu iz prvog braka  koji je stradao u Holokaustu.

Boris sada živi i radi kao lekar u Loznici.

Albert Farhi, Vitalisov ujak, bio je turski Jevrejin, veoma imućan. Posedovao je više preduzeća. Došao je na granicu između Turske i Austrougarske, jer je procenio da tu može uspešnije da posluje. Kasnije se doselio u Zemun i na Glavnoj ulici podigao veliku porodičnu kuću.

Brojna porodica dala je visoke intelektualce, uspešne stručnjake i poslovne ljude, koji su se raselili po svetu:

Đele je bio najstariji, a postao je profesor univerziteta  Harvard.

Bata je postao uspešan advokat u Cirihu.

Moni je bio vlasnik više bioskopa u predratnom Beogradu.

Stela se udala za senatora jednog kantona u Švajcarskoj.

Lela je postala spiker na BBC–ju.

Soka je majka akademika Enrika Josifa.

Silvi se udala u Milanu za Karija.

Beks se nastanila kod jezera Komo.

Dakle, porodica Farhi je nesumnjivo spadala u cenjene građane Zemuna.

Boris Farkic (alias Farchy) was born in Belgrade in 1947. He graduated from the Faculty of medicine in Belgrade.

His great-grandfather Mosha Farchy was born in Zemun in 1837. He married Rachel Russo also born in Zemun in 1841. They had seven children:

Sara (1862. – 1941), married to Avram Calderon (1854- 1905). They had eight children: Bubi, Moric, Lena, Rachel, Sultana, Matilda, Netika and Sefira.

Elisa (1864 – 1930) married to Samuel Vogel (1855 – 1941). They had three children:  Mizzi, Hilda and Dr. Frederick.

Isak ( 1866 – 1937), married to Leontina (1879 – 1928) . They did not have children.

Ješa Dr. (1870 – 1941) married to Alice (1882 - 1942). They had three children: Edita, Miroslava and Lilly.

Regina (1875 – 1942) married to Salamon Elijas (1880 - 1945). They did not have any children.

Josef (1877 – 1941). He married Dora (1887 –1942). They had one son, Robert.

Leon (1879 - 1941.) married to Olga (1898 –1941). They had three children: Erich, Lilly and Alfred. Leon also fathered a daughter out of wedlock Josephine (1906.)

According to one version Miroslav (alias Fritz) was born in Austria in 1906. There is also a version claiming that he was born in Smederevo. Naimely Fritz’s father Jesa Farchy was a born Zemunian. He completed his secondary school education and studied and graduated from the Faculties of chemistry and technology in Germany (Neurenberg, Recklinghausen). Beside other studies he also attended classes of physical chemistry held by Wilhelm Roentgen. As a young doctor of chemistry and technology Jesa Farchy held a number of different posts in various towns of the then Austo-Hungaria. For a time he was the director of the cement plant in Popovac, then in Beocin and in Ravnica beside Omis. Plainly speaking the family moved frequently from one place to another. Dr. Jesa died of heart failure in Zemun in 1941.

Fritz (Miroslav) Farchy completed his studies at the College of Commerce in Vienna in the period 1924 to 1927.During this period he lived with his grandmother Paula. Fritz kept a journal of his travels by boat from Vienna to Zemun and back. He described them as luxurious voyages of the Austrian and Hungarian wealthy classes.

Fritz managed to live through the Second World War as a POW in a German camp. He lost his mother, his first wife Alegra and son Mihajlo in the pogrom. 29 members of the Farchy family were killed in the Holocaust.

On returning from his internment  Fritz married Sarika Romano from Sarajevo. They had one child only, their son Boris.

In the aftermath of the war Fritz was posted to the Consular office Yugoslavia in Berlin. During the Informbiro he refused the proposal of an officer from the Yugoslav Military mission in Berlin to emigrate to London. As a true patriot he returned to Belgrade. He was highly competent in the field of commerce and spoke fluently German, English and French; he travelled frequently abroad (Egypt, London, Greece, Pakistan, etc.) He was successively employed in a number of large companies such as Avala film, Filmske Novosti and finally in Hempro. From 1956 to 1959 he worked in Dugi Rt beside Omis. From 1959 he worked in the factory “Viskoza in Loznica. The Farchy family changed their surname to Farkic due to recurring anti-Semitic harassment. 

Fritz died n Loznica in 1983 and his wife Sarika soon after in 1985.

Boris married a Pole Isabela Ryznyk. They have two children: a daughter Ljiljana married to Slobodan Jevtic and a son Mihajlo. Mihaljlo is a physician and was named after his grandfather first born son who died in the Holocaust.

Today Boris lives and works as a doctor in Loznica.

The author would like to point out that as far as he is aware of this Farchy family is in no way related to the following Zemunian family of the same family name.

Albert Farchy, uncle to Vitalis, was an extremely wealthy Turkish Jew. He owned a number of enterprises. He moved to the borderline between Turkey and Austria-Hungary expecting to obtain better profits and make his business more prosperous. He reached Zemun some time later and built a large family house in Glavna (Main) street.

It was a numerous family which nurtured prominent intellectuals, successful experts and businessmen living in all parts of the world.

Djele, the eldest, became a professor at Harvard University.

Bata was a successful lawyer in Zurich.

Moni was the proprietor of a number of movie theatres in Beograd.

Stela married a senator of a Swiss canton.

Lela became an anchor woman on BBC.

Soka was the mother of the academic Enrico Josif.

Silvi married a Cari in Milan.

Beks made her home beside the lake of Como.

Thus members of the Fahri family were certainly regarded as prominent citizens of Zemun.