Grobno mesto
Grave position
Kamenorezac /



(Kliknite na sliku da je uvećate / click on image to enlarge)
Imena sahranjenih: Names of buried:

Avram Izrael Altaras

Abraham Israel Altaras

Natpis na spomeniku (prednja strana):
Epitaph (front side of the gravestone):

Spomenik verniku čiste duše i poštenom, bogobojažljivom, koji se sklanjao od zla, ''to je taj poštovan'' Avram Izrael Altaras, neka se njegova duša odmara u raju, umro u četrdesetoj godini, kao cenjen čovek, 4. Ijara 5644.

Neka je njegova duša besmrtna

(prevedeno s hebrejskog)

A memorial to a man of untainted soul and honesty, God-fearing who shied away from evil “this is he the hon.” Abraham Israel Altaras may his soul rest in heaven died in his fortieth year a respected man, 4. Iyyar 5644.

May his soul be bound up in the bond of eternal life

(Translated into English from Serbian translation of original Hebrew texts)

Natpis na spomeniku (stražnja strana):
Epitaph (back side of the gravestone):



Dodatne informacije o porodici Additional info about the family