Anti-Semitism Tribune (continued)

Speeches and discussions lasted for almost two hours.  Due to limited space here we will only publish several accents.

Public?s attention was drawn by Mr. Singer?s report about international conference in Cordoba organized by OEBS, where a lot was spoken about contemporary anti-Semitism.

Mr. Filip David in his concise and interesting speech gave us some shocking facts about books with explicit anti-Semite content. Over 140 were published and are freely distributed and sold throughout the country. There is quite a serious gap between official statements and anti-Semite acting tolerance.

Mr. Mosic interceded in favor of influencing on elimination of stereotype characterizations of Jews by means of religion lessons in schools. In replica that followed it was emphasized that this will be difficult because religious dogmas even contribute the negative view on Jews as Christ assassins.  In that respect there is some progress but only in Catholic church.

Most of his speech Dr. Aleksandar Kerenji devoted to need to inform our neighborhood about Jewish culture and customs as mean of fight against anti-Semitism. He illustrated it with some manifestations in Novi Sad that were well accepted by the local non-Jew population.

Mr. Novkov stressed that in Subotica too there are some anti-Semite incidents like in other places. He pointed to the specific multi-national environment in that town and need for appropriate measures in elimination of anti-Semitism.

Mrs. Milica Mihajlovic, director of the museum, pleaded the educational approach to anti-Semitism.

Mr. Djordje Acimovic thinks that some others factors in Zemun should also take care about this, meaning that non-Jew institutions should fight anti-Semitism as well.

Mr. Uros Todorovic, president of Council of USEA non-government organization, pointed that young people are starting to get interested in anti-Semite phenomenon and are ready to join the struggle against it on their way.

At the end we can conclude that this tribune was on a very high level and that it brought many new examples and arguments to give more light to explain anti-Semite essence.  However, particular value of this event is that it pointed to the concrete methods of struggle against these phenomena.


Images from the tribune: N. Fogel, A. Mošić, Đ. Aćimović i D.Fogel, N. Novkov, A. Kerenji, M. Mihajlović, U. Todorović