Grobno mesto
Grave position
Kamenorezac /



(Kliknite na sliku da je uvećate / click on image to enlarge)
Imena sahranjenih: Names of buried:

Alfons Šer

Alfons Scheer

Natpis na spomeniku (prednja strana):
Epitaph (front side of the gravestone):

rođ. Pašić
1932 – 2011

(Epitaf ispisan na srpskom)

nee Pasic
1932 – 2011

(Translated into English from Serbian)

Natpis na spomeniku (stražnja strana):
Epitaph (back side of the gravestone):



Dodatne informacije o porodici Additional info about the family

Porodica Šer se doselila u Srem prvom polovinom devetnaestog veka.

Potomci se iz priča starijih sećaju da se kao rodonačelnik porodice pominje Adolf Šer. On je živeo u selu Buđanovci. Nije poznato odakle mu je supruga, niti kada je sklopljen brak. Dostupan je jedino podatak da su imali četiri sina, Filipa, Ferenca, Salamona i Đulu.

Filip Šer je rođen 1856. godine. Kao trgovac je živeo i radio u Novom Sadu i Zagrebu. Okupaciju je dočekao u Novom Sadu. Uspeo je slučajno da izbegne likvidaciju u januaru 1942., ali je sa celom porodicom kasnije transportovan u logor Aušvic. Od petoro dece (Bela, Elza, Nina, Adela, Geza) logor su preživele samo Nina i Adela. Po izlasku iz logora boravile su kod strica Vilima u Zemunu, odakle su otišle u Pariz.

Preživela je i Filipova unuka Gertruda, Gezina ćerka. Ona je bila  u mađarskim logorima, odatle je pobegla i priključila se partizanima.

Ferenc Šer je rođen 1875. godine. Bio je trgovac u Novom Sadu. Ubijen je u raciji januara 1942. Njegov sin jedinac, Oskar, kao rezervni oficir Kraljevske jugoslovenske vojske preživeo je rat u nemačkom zarobljeništvu. Iselio se u Izrael 1946. i tamo je umro sedamdesetih godina prošlog veka.

Đula Šer je rođen 1877. Po nekim saznanjima, on, supruga i njihovo dvoje dece ubijeni su u novosadskoj raciji 21. januara 1942. godine.

Samuel-Solomon-Šer rođen je 1862. godine. Bio je trgovac u Zemunu. Oženio se Reginom Gerber iz Zemuna. Imali su osmoro dece: Vilima, Marka, Adolfa, Filipa, Aleksandra, Margitu, Katicu, Olgu i usvojenu Luciju.

Salamon i Regina su u zoru 27. jula 1942. godine pokupljeni sa ostalim zemunskim Jevrejima. Međutim, zbog njihove starosti su ih izdvojili i proterali u logor na Sajmištu. Regina je umrla na putu za logor, a Salamon je ubijen na Starom sajmištu. Ne zna se gde im je grob.

Sva njihova deca, izuzev Vilima, tragično su završila život.

Marko Šer, rođen 1895. u Kupinovu, bio je činovnik, a bio je zaposlen kod svoga brata Vilima. Nije bio oženjen. Ubijen je januara 1944. u logoru Jasenovac.

Lucija Šer rođena je 1897. u Bonu, u Nemačkoj. Usvojili su je Salamon i Regina, koji su o njoj brinuli kao i svojoj rođenoj deci. Lucija je bila ćerka Bernarda Majera i Amalije, rođene Kaufman. Nije se udavala. Ubijena je novembra 1942. u Jajincima.

Filip Šer rođen je 1901. godine u Kupinovu. Bio je trgovac. Imao je prodavnicu muške galanterije u Gospodskoj ulici (posle ulica Kralja Aleksandra) u Zemunu. Bio je oženjen Malvinom, koja je došla iz unutrašnjosti. Ona je ubijena avgusta 1942. u Jajincima, a Filip je ubijen januara 1944. u Jasenovcu.

Margit Šer rođena je 1903. u Kupinovu. Udala se za Samuela - Salamona Majera iz Zemuna. On je bio činovnik, a ona domaćica. Imali su dvoje dece: Mirka i Dragana. Samuel i sin Dragan ubijeni su u Jasenovcu, a Margita je ubijena avgusta 1942. neposredno po dolasku u logor Staro sajmište.

Mirko je otišao u italijansku okupacionu zonu. Tamo se priključio partizanima i iz rata je izašao sa činom kapetana. Umro je 1946. godine.

Adolf Šer rođen je 1905. u Kupinovu, radio je kao činovnik u Zemunu. Nije bio oženjen. Bavio se aktivno sportom, pa je izvesno vreme bio i golman fudbalskog kluba “Jugoslavija”. Ubijen je novembra 1942. u Jasenovcu.

Olga Šer rođena je 1908. u Kupinovu, domaćica, udala se za Tibora Moizesa iz Novog Sada. Imali su ćerku Juditu. Cela porodica je ubijena tokom racije u januaru 1942. u Novom Sadu.

Katica Šer rođena je 1912. u Kupinovu. Udala se za Miku Dantija, građevinskog inženjera. Nisu imali dece. Katica je 1942. ubijena u Jajincima,  Mika je sa svoja dva brata ubijen u Jasenovcu.

Aleksandar Šer rođen je 1919. u Kupinovu. Zvali su ga Šandor. Bio je činovnik u Zemunu. Aktivno se bavio atletikom. Ubijen je novembra 1942. u logoru Jasenovac.

Vilim Šer rođen je 1893. u Kupinovu. Školovao se u Zemunu i Novom Sadu. Govorio je, kao i sva Salamonova i Reginina deca, nemački, mađarski i srpsko-hrvatski. Vaspitavan je u duhu jevrejske tradicije, tako da je govorio i jidiš.

Vilim je kao najstariji sin nasledio trgovačku radnju u Bežanijskoj ulici u Zemunu. Prodavao je tekstilnu metražnu robu, koju je nabavljao u Grčkoj, Pešti, Beču, Engleskoj i u Italiji. Bio je poznat kao trgovac koji daje robu na veresiju (tj. kredit). Trudio se da ima najkvalitetniju robu i da ni jedna mušterija ne izađe praznih ruku iz radnje.

Oženio se Jelisavetom Kovar, modistkinjom iz Novog Sada. Jelisaveta je prešla u jevrejsku veru i venčanje je obavljeno po jevrejskim propisima. Imali su četvoro dece, Vladimira, Alfonsa, Filipa i Zdenku. Zdenka je umrla još kao beba.

Bila je to dobrostojeća građanska porodica, koja je pružala deci život bez materijalnih problema.

Tridesetih godina XX veka, Vilim je izgradio porodičnu kuću na Kalvariji u Zemunu. U to vreme je kupio i automobil marke “opel”. U ono vreme u Zemunu je bilo veoma malo automobila i njihova pojava na ulicama izazivala je interesovanje prolaznika.

Ugodan porodični život prekinula je okupacija 1941. godine. Vilimu je oduzeta radnja, auto i kuća na Kalvariji. U kuću se uselio neki nemački štab. Jelisaveta je uspela da porodica ostane u podrumskim prostorijama.

Ona je pronašla svoju krštenicu na kojoj je stojalo da je katolik, što je u velikoj meri zaštitilo nju i decu. Vilim se, međutim, skrivao po komšijskim tavanima i podrumima.

Kada su ustaše u zoru 27. jula 1942. kupili Jevreje, nisu ulazili u Vilimovu kuću, jer je u njoj bio nemački štab. Tako je porodica ostala pošteđena.

Posle oslobođenja Vilim se od prvog dana angažovao na obnavljanju rada Jevrejske opštine Zemun. Vilim Šer i Aleksandar Frank su najviše doprineli da se sačine spiskovi odvedenih i ubijenih Jevreja iz cele Jevrejske opštine, tj. i iz sremskih sela koja su pripadala ovoj opštini. Vilim je izvesno vreme obavljao i dužnost predsednika Opštine.

Vilimov hobi bilo je pčelarstvo. Još 1934. godine dobio je srebrnu medalju na Sveslavenskom sajmu, za kvalitet meda. Posle rata, 1945, vratio se svom hobiju, samo mu je pčelarstvo tada bilo jedini izvor prihoda, kojim je izdržavao porodicu.

Njegov sin Filip, koji je rođen 1931. u Zemunu, školovao se u Beogradu i u SAD. Doktor je tehničkih nauka. Posle studija radio je na Kosovu, u Rudarskom institutu u Beogradu i u “Energoprojektu”. Šezdesetih godina XX veka otišao je u ekonomsku emigraciju. Radio je u Zambiji, Nigeriji i u još nekim afričkim zemljama. Prešao je u Španiju, gde se za stalno naselio. Filip ima dva sina: Vilim je diplomirani inžinjer rudarstva, oženjen je i ima troje dece (Sašu, Lea i Adama). Živi i radi u Južnoafričkoj republici; David studira u Španiji i Italiji.

Drugi Vilimov sin Alfons školovao se u Zemunu i Beogradu. Kao brodograđevinski tehničar bio je na specijalizaciji u Holandiji. Radio je u Brodogradilištu Beograd. Živi sa suprugom u porodičnoj kući na Kalvariji u Zemunu. Ćerka Milica (1952.) je mašinski inženjer, a sin Marko (1957.) diplomirani veterinar. Marko je aktivan u JO Zemun i u Savezu JO.

Treći Vilimov sin Vladimir rođen je 1936. u Zemunu. Školovao se u svom rodnom gradu i Beogradu. Diplomirani je inženjer metalurgije. Radio je kao uspešan privrednik u IMT-u, u FOB-u, MINEL-u i PKB-u. Živi u porodičnoj kući na Kalvariji. Njegov sin jedinac, Filip (1965) živi i radi u Beogradu kao doktor medicinskih nauka.

Vladimir je bio dugogodišnji predsednik IO Zemun. On je doprineo revitalizaciji ove jevrejske opštine.

The Scheer family settled in Srem in the first half of the XIX century.

From tales passed down the family, generations of descendants know that Alfred Scheer was their predecessor. He lived in the village of Budjanovci. There is no record of the origins of his wife or the date of their marriage. The only known fact is that they had four sons, Philip, Ferenz, Salamon, and Djula.

Philip Scheer was born in1856. He was a tradesman and lived in Novi Sad and Zagreb. The onset of the occupation found him living in Novi Sad. He managed to avoid elimination in January 1942 by mere chance, but was later transported together with his entire family to the Auschwitz concentration camp. Of his five children (Bela, Elsa, Nina, Adel, Gesa) only Nina and Adel managed to survive their incarceration. Once free from the camp they spent some time with their uncle Willim in Zemun, from where they departed for Paris.

Philip’s granddaughter Gertrude, daughter to Gesa managed to survive. She was interred in Hungarian camps from which she managed to escape. She later joined the partisans.

Ferenz Scheer was born in1875. He was a tradesman in Novi Sad. He was killed during a raid in 1942. His only son Oscar was an officer of the Yugoslav Royal Army in reserve and managed to live through the war as a POW. In 1946 he immigrated to Isreal where he died during the seventies of the last century.

Djula Scheer was born in 1877. Certain data indicate that he was killed together with his wife and their two children in the raid in Novi Sad on January 21, 1942.

Samuel-Solomon Scheer was born in 1862. He was a tradesman in Zemun. He married Regina Gerber from Zemun. They had eight children: Willim, Marco, Adolf, Philip, Alexander, Margit, Katica, Olga and a foster child Lucia.

Salamon and Regina were rounded up in the morning of July 27, 1942 with other Zemun Jews. Because of their advanced age they were separated from the group and sent to the concentration camp Sajmiste. Regina died on the way to the camp and Salamon was killed at Staro Sajmiste. There is no knowledge of the places of their burial.

Except for Willim, all their children met with a tragic death.

Marco Scheer, born 1895 in Kupinovo, was a clerk, employed by his brother Willim. He was a bachelor. He was killed in January 1944 in the Jasenovac concentration camp.

Lucia Scheer was born in 1897 in Bonn, Germany. She was adopted by Salamon and Regina, who cared for her as if she were one of their own. Lucia was the daughter of Bernard Mayer and Amalia nee Kaufmann. She never married. She was killed in November 1942 in Jajinci.

Philip Scheer was born in 1901 in Kupovino. He was a tradesman. He had a gentlemen’s haberdashery shop in Gospodska ulica (later King Alexander street). He was married to Malvina who came from a country village. She was killed in 1942 in Jajinci and Philip perished in Jasenovac in January 1944.

Margit Scheer was born in 1903 in Kupinovo. She married Samuel-Salamon Mayer from Zemun. He was a clerk and she a housewife. They had two children: Mirko and Dragan. Samuel and his son Dragan were killed in Jasenovac while Margit was killed immediately upon her arrival at the Staro Sajmiste camp in August 1942.

Mirko left for the Italian Occupation Zone. Once there he joined the partisans and at the end of the war left the military as a captain. He died in 1946.

Adolph Scheer was born in 1905 in Kupinovo. He worked as a clerk in Zemun. He never married. He had an affinity for sports and for some time was the goalie for the football team “Yugoslavia”. He was killed in Jasenovac in November 1942.

Olga Scheer was born in 1908 in Kupinovo and was a housewife married to Tibor Moises from Novi Sad. They had a daughter Judite. The whole family was killed in the January 1942 raid in Novi Sad.

Katica Scheer was born in 1912. She married Mika Danti, a civil engineer. They did not have any children. Katica was killed in Jajinci in 1942. Mika and his two brothers perished in Jasenovac.

Alexander Scheer was born in 1919 in Kupinovo. His nickname was Sandor. He worked as a clerk in Zemun. Alexander was also a professional athlete. He was killed in Jasenovac in November 1942.

Willim Scheer was born in 1893 in Kupinovo. He studied in Zemun and Novi Sad. Like all the other children of Salamon and Regina he too spoke German, Hungarian and Serbo-Croatian. He was brought up in the tradition of the Jewish people, so that he also spoke Yiddish.

As the eldest son Willim inherited the trading shop in Bezanijska ulica in Zemun. He sold cloth by the meter. The supplies came from Greece, Pest, Vienna, London and Italy too. He was known as a trader who sold his goods on credit. He aspired to have goods of the highest quality, and was loath to see a customer walk out from his shop without buying anything.

He married Jelisaveta Kovar a stylist from Novi Sad. Jelisaveta converted to the Jewish faith and the marriage was conducted in the Jewish tradition. They had four children: Vladimir, Alfonse, Philip, and Zdenka. Zdenka died as a baby.

The family was prosperous and could afford a comfortable city life for the children.

During the thirties of the XX century Willim built a family house on the Kavalrija in Zemun. Also around that time he bought a car, an “Opel”. In those days there were only a few cars in Zemun and their presence in the streets was always acknowledged with keen interest by passers by.

The comfort of their family life was shattered by the occupation in 1941. Willim was stripped of his shop, car and house on Kalvarija. One of the German head quarters was set up in the house. Jelisaveta managed to keep the family together in the cellar premises.

She found her birth certificate witnessing that she was a born Catholic, which to some extent protected her and her children. However, Willim had to hide in neighbouring attics and cellars.

In the dawn of July 27, 1942 when the Ustashi rounded up the Zemun Jews they did not enter Willim’s house since the German headquarters was stationed there. And thus the family was spared.

From the very first day, once the war was over, Willim set out to renew the activity of the Zemun Jewish Community. Willim Scheer and Alexander Franck were the ones who contributed mostly to drawing up lists of Jews deported and killed for the entire Jewish Community including  the villages in Srem that were also under the jurisdiction of this Community. For a certain period Willim also presided over the Community.

Willim’s hobby was beekeeping. In 1934 he had already won a silver medal at the Pan-Slavic Fair for quality honey. After the war he again returned to his hobby in 1945. However apiculture was now the only source of revenue for him and his family.

His son Philip born in 1931 in Zemun was educated in Belgrade and the USA. He is a Doctor of technical sciences. Once he completed his studies he worked in Kosovo, in the Institute of Mining in Belgrade and in the “Energoprojekt” company. During the sixties of the XX century he went to earn his living abroad. He worked in Zambia, Nigeria and a few other African countries. From there he crossed the Mediterranean to Spain, where he finally settled down. Philip has two sons: Willim is a graduated mining engineer, married with three children (Sasha, Lea and Adam). He lives in the Republic of South Africa; David is pursuing his studies in Spain and Italy.

Willim’s second son Alfonse was educated in Zemun and Beograd. He became a shipbuilding technician and was sent to the Netherlands for further specialization. He worked in the shipbuilding yard of Belgrade. He lives with his wife and family in the house in Kalvarija in Zemun. His daughter Milica (1952) is a mechanical engineer; son Marco (1957) is a veterinary surgeon. Marco is an active member in the Jewish Community of Zemun as well as in the Federation of Jewish Communities.

Willim’s third son Vladimir was born in 1936 in Zemun. He studied in his native town and in Belgrade. He is an engineer of metallurgy. As a successful man of his profession he worked in IMT, FOB, MINEL and PKB. He lives in the family house in Kalvarija. His only son Philip (1965) lives and works in Belgrade. Philip is a doctor.

Vladimir was the President of the Zemun Jewish Community for a long term.