Grobno mesto
Grave position
Kamenorezac /



(Kliknite na sliku da je uvećate / click on image to enlarge)
Imena sahranjenih: Names of buried:

Aleksandar Frank

Alexander Franck

Natpis na spomeniku (prednja strana):
Epitaph (front side of the gravestone):

1898. – 1976.
spomen podigla

(Epitaf ispisan na srpskom)

1898. – 1976.
this memorial is raised by his

(Translated into English from Serbian)

Natpis na spomeniku (stražnja strana):
Epitaph (back side of the gravestone):



Dodatne informacije o porodici Additional info about the family

Aleksandar Frank rođen je 1898. godine u Subotici. Njegovi roditelji, Maksim Frank i Fani, rođena Šrajber, potiču iz Segedina. Stariji Aleksadrov brat Arpad bio je kožarski trgovac u Segedinu, a mlađi brat Dr Stevan bio je oftamolog u Senti. Oba brata sa njihovim porodicama stradala su u Holokaustu.

Aleksandar se pre Drugog svetskog rata oženio Magdom, rođenom Švab. Ona je umrla od posledica eksperimenata putem vivisekcije u logoru Dahau. Njihova ćerka Jelisaveta preživela je logor Kištarša u Mađarskoj. Danas živi u Izraelu.

Aleksandar je časovničarski, zlatarski i draguljarski zanat izučio u Beču. U Zemun dolazi dvadesetih godina dvadesetog veka. U Zemunu je važio za dobrog, poštenog i cenjenog majstora. Radnja mu se nalazila u centru grada. Kroz izlog i kroz zastakljena vrata mogao se svakodnevno videti u razgovoru sa mušterijama, ili pognut nad nekim satom kako posluje sa lupom na jednom oku.

Iza radnje bila je radionica. Na radnom stolu bio je mali strug i raznovrsni alati za opravku satova. Na zidnim policama bili su poređani satovi svih mogućih marki, tipova i veličina, sa uredno ispisanim imenima vlasnika. Kada bi došli na red nije bilo sata koji bi ostao neopravljen. Kroz dvorišni prozor radionice mogao se tokom celog dana videti mladi kalfa, koji je tu šegrtovao tri–četiri godine. On je pored svetiljke radio na strugu ili nešto baratao oko satova.

Taj mladi kalfa, čije ime nije upamćeno, nije bio Jevrejin, ali se družio sa jednim jevrejskim momčićem koji je dve godine pred rat imao 17 godina, ali je važio za mangupa i često se hvalisao svojim malim pištoljem – flobertom. Ne zna se više ko je koga nagovorio, ali jedne večeri su mladi kalfa i momčić krenuli da opljačkaju jednu kuću, koju su nasumce odabrali. Nisu se ni raspitali čija je to kuća, odnosno ko u njoj stanuje, nego su zalupali na vrata sa povikom: “Pare ili život! “ Umesto da neko otvori vrata, na prozoru se pojavi neki uniformisani čovek sa pištoljem u ruci i poče da puca prema njima. Obojica su pobegla do prve kapije i od straha nisu mogli dalje. Tu ih je šćućurene uhvatila policija. Ispostavilo se da su pokušali da opljačkaju kuću jednog pešadijskog kapetana.

Iako bi ovaj slučaj mogao biti sam po sebi zanimljiv, on je ispričan da bi se osvetlio lik Aleksandra Franka. Naime, policija nije dugo zadržala prestupnike u zatvoru i tako se mladi kalfa pokunjen pojavio u Frankovoj radnji. Bio je siguran da posle one “avanture” neće više biti vraćen na posao kod ovog gazde. Ipak je došao zbog dokumenata i da pita šta dalje da radi. Mladi kalfa nije znao da je policija već bila u radnji da se raspita o njegovom ponašanju. Nije takođe mogao da zna da je Frank rekao policiji da iz njegove radnje nikad ništa nije nestalo i da se kalfa pokazao kao vredan radnik, te da misli da je to sve samo jedna mladalačka glupost. Na izvestan način Frank je jamčio za svog kalfu sa uverenjem da se tako nešto neće ponoviti. Zato je on mladića ponovo zaposlio i zaista s njim nije bilo više problema, zahvaljujući humanosti Aleksandra Franka.

 Posle okupacije Zemuna 1941 godine u aprilu je uhapšen i odven u logor Sajmište. Pušten je uz otkup. Odmah po puštanju odlazi u Budimpeštu i tamo ilegalno radi kod jednog Mađara. Pred sam kraj rata ipak je uhvaćen i odveden u jedan logor u Mađarskoj. I pored svih opasnosti uspeva da pobegne iz logora. krio se do završetka rata. Tako je preživeo okupaciju.

 Vraća se 1945. godine u Zemun i zatiče potpuno opljačkanu imovinu, stan u Dubrovačkoj ulici, dvospratnu kuću u Oračkoj ulici i radnju u Gospodskoj ulici, kasnije ulici kralja Aleksandra.

 Od tadašnjih vlasti dobija na korišćenje jednu sobicu u suterenu u Kosovskoj ulici, zatim krevet, orman, sto i stolice. Tu živi sa ćerkom Jelisavetom nekoliko godina, da bi konačno 1949. godine dobio stan u svojoj kući u Oračkoj ulici. Uz velike napore dobija 1948. lokal u Zmaj Jovinoj ulici. U toj časovničarsko  optičarskoj radnji radi do 1972. godine, kada odlazi u penziju.

Odmah posle oslobođenja Frank se uključio aktivno u rad Jevrejske opštine u Zemunu, gde je jedno vreme bio i njen predsednik. Posvetio se dobrobiti preživelih Jevreja i ostao aktivan do svoje smrti, 1976 godine.

Alexander Franck was born in 1898 in Subotica. His parents, Maxim Franck and Fani, nee Schreiber came from Segedin. Alexander’s older brother Arpad traded in leather in Segedin while his younger brother Dr. Steven was an ophthalmologist in Senta. Both brothers and their families perished in the Holocaust.

Alexander married Magda, nee Schwab before the Second World War. She died as a victim of vivisection experiments performed in the Dachau concentration camp. Their daughter Jelisaveta managed to survive the Kistarsa camp in Hungary. She lives in Israel today

Alexander mastered the crafts of a watchmaker, goldsmith and jeweler in Vienna. He settled in Zemun during the twenties of the XX century. He was known in Zemun as a skilled, honest and respected craftsman. His shop was in the very center of Zemun. Day after day he could be seen through the shop windows and glazed door, either conversing with customers or bent over a watch with a magnifying glass glued to his eye, deeply engrossed in his work.

A workshop stood behind the store. Inside was a bench with a small lathe fixed to it. Various tools for repairing watches were placed beside it. The shelves on the walls were lined with clocks and watches of every make, type and size with the owner’s name meticulously written beside it. Each would eventually be brought to the repair bench and once there would be carefully mended. Looking through the workshop window facing the yard a young apprentice could be seen working under lamplight either on the lathe or with tools in hand all day long. The apprenticeship in Franck’s shop lasted three to four years.

This young apprentice, whose name has not been recorded, was not a Jew, although two years before the war he made friends with a seventeen year old Jewish lad. This youth was somewhat of a scoundrel who frequently bragged about his small pistol – a Flaubert. No one can say who influenced whom yet one night the young apprentice and the lad went off to rob a house singled out randomly. Not informing themselves about the owner of the house or about its tenants, they banged on the door shouting:”Money or your life!” The door remained unopened, but a man in uniform appeared at a window gun in hand and began shooting at them. They both ran to the first gate too frightened to move any further. It was here that the police found them trembling with fright. It turned out that they had attempted to rob the house of an infantry captain.

In itself this incident could be of interest, but it was recounted in order to better describe the personality of Alexander Franck. Mainly, the police soon released the perpetrators from prison, and a downcast young apprentice appeared at Franck’s shop door. He was certain that after this “escapade” his master would refuse to take him back to work. However, he had to come to the shop to pick up his documents and inquire what to do next. The young man was unaware of the fact that the police had already been at the shop inquiring about his general conduct. He was also unaware that Franck had told the police that never had a single item been missed from the shop, that the apprentice had always been a hard worker and that he regarded the incident as an adolescent imprudence. In a way Franck was prepared to vouch for his apprentice in the belief that no such attempt would be made again. So he employed the youth once again who proved him right and never again got into any trouble. He owed his good fortune to the compassion of Alexander Franck.

After Zemun was occupied in 1941, Franck was arrested in April and taken to the concentration camp Sajmiste. He was released against a ransom. He left for Budapest immediately upon his release where he worked illegally in the employ of a Hungarian. Near to the end of the war he was arrested once again and taken to a concentration camp in Hungary. Despite the great danger involved he managed to escape from the camp. He hid right up to the end of the war. He managed to survive the occupation.

In 1945 he returned to Zemun to find all his belongings gone and the flat in Dubrovacka street ransacked, as well as the two storied house in Oracka street and the shop in Gospodska street, later King Alexander street.

From the authorities then in power he was given a single room in a cellar in Kosovska street to live in. Later he obtained a bed, cupboard, table and chairs. For some years he lived there with his daughter Jelisaveta. Finally in 1949 he was given a flat in his house in Oracka street. It took great efforts but in 1948 he obtained a shop in Zmaj Jovina street. He worked in this watch and optical store up to 1976 when he retired.

Immediately upon the end of the war Franck took an active part in the activities of the Zemun Jewish Community, and for a while was its President. He dedicated himself to the well-being of Jewish survivors and remained an active member up to his death.