Grobno mesto
Grave position
Kamenorezac /



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Imena sahranjenih: Names of buried:

Henrieta Binder

Henriette Binder

Natpis na spomeniku (prednja strana):
Epitaph (front side of the gravestone):

Ovde počiva Hindel, blagoslovena u sećanju.
Neka njena duša bude besmrtna

(prevedeno s hebrejskog)

Henrijeta Binder
9. IV 1860. – 24. II. 1927.

(prevedeno s nemačkog)

Here lies Hindel, blessed in memory
May her soul be bound up in the bond of eternal life

(Translated into English from Serbian translation of original Hebrew texts)

Henriette Binder
9. IV 1860. – 24. II. 1927.

(Translated into English from Serbian translation of original German texts)

Natpis na spomeniku (stražnja strana):
Epitaph (back side of the gravestone):



Dodatne informacije o porodici Additional info about the family

Porodica Binder bila je među najbogatijim Jevrejima, ne samo u Zemunu nego i van granica ovog grada.

Moric-Mavro Binder oženio se Henrijetom rođenom Belak. Porodica Binder doselila se krajem devetnaestog veka iz Beča u Zemun. Moric i Henrijeta imali su šesnaestoro dece, od kojih se oko desetoro rodilo u Zemunu. Henrijeta je umrla 1927. godine.

Prezime ove porodice najčešće se spominjalo uz prezime Polgar, jer su Moric Binder i Gabriel Polgar zajednički osnovali Fabriku za proizvodnju kundaka za puške. Međutim, ubrzo se pokazalo da ta delatnost nije rentabilna. Zato su napustili proizvodnju kundaka i otvorili drvaru sa pilanom. Od trgovačko–zanatskog preduzeća ono je preraslo u industrijski pogon. U ovom pogonu, zavisno od sezone, bilo je zaposleno između 120 i 220 radnika.

U Zemunu su ovo preduzeće svi zvali “Drvara Binder i Polgar”. To je bila jedna od malobrojnih firmi koje su u to vreme vodile socijalnu brigu o svojim radnicima. Između ostalog, podigli su izvestan broj kuća sa po četiri stana za svoje radnike.

Trebalo bi da Binder i Polgar ostanu upamćeni i po svom humanom odnosu prema njihovim sugrađanima. Oni su svake godine poklanjali po čitave šlepove drva za zemunsku sirotinju.

Preduzeće “Binder i Polgar” postaje od 1930. godine akcionarsko društvo. Zbog lošeg upravljanja i gazdovanja 1935. poveden je likvidacioni postupak. Ovaj postupak vodio je dr  Ivan Ribar. Likvidacija se otegla, tako da je ovo preduzeće poslovalo sve do 1941. godine.

Nemamo potpune podatke o sudbini brojnih potomaka Morica i Henrijete Binder. Znamo da se Klara udala za Belu Perenjija, a da je Marijana bila udata za Ervina Goldštajna. Svi su stradali u Jasenovcu i Staroj Gradiški.

Ivan Binder je preživeo okupaciju u nemačkom zarobljeničkom logoru.

Moricova ćerka Hana bila je udata za dr Lava Brandajza. Oboje su preživeli okupaciju, a posle se iselili u Izrael i tamo umrli. Druga Moricova ćerka Judita, udala se za Vladimira - Dragutina Badalića, koji je po nacionalnosti bio Hrvat. Iz tog braka rodila se ćerka Dana (1922.). Ona je pohađala tri razreda Jevrejske škole,  do gašenja te institucije 1932. god. Dana se 1946. udala za Momčila Dimitrijevića, Srbina.

Dana je umrla u Zemunu 2003.g.

The Binder Family was one of the wealthiest Jewish families not only in Zemun but well beyond the limits of this town.

Moric-Mavro Binder married Henrieta nee Belak. The Binder family moved from Vienna to Zemun round the end of the nineteenth century. Moric and Henrieta had sixteen children, ten of whom were born in Zemun. Henrieta died in 1927. 

The surname of the family was frequently associated with that of Polgar, as Moric Binder and Gabriel Polgar founded a factory for the production of riffle butts. However, it soon became evident that the business was not very lucrative. They shut down the butt-end production facility and opened a timber yard with a saw-mill line. It grew from a small trade business to an industrial plant. Depending on the season of the year the plant employed 120 to 220 workers.

In Zemun the enterprise was known as the ”Binder and Polgar Timber Enterprise”. It was one of the rare companies that cared for the well being of its workers. Among other things the proprietors built a number of four flat houses for their workers.

Binder and Polgar should also be remembered for their humanity toward their town fellowmen. Each year they would give away to the poor of Zemun whole barges of timber.

From 1930 the enterprise “Binder and Polgar” became a shareholding company. Due to mismanagement and flawed proprietorship a winding up procedure was initiated in 1935. Dr Ivan Ribar was the receiver in the procedure and the winding up of the company dragged on, with the company working right up to 1941.

There is insufficient data about the destiny of the numerous descendants of Moric and Henrieta Binder. What is known is that Klara married Bela Perenji and that Marianna married Ervin Goldstein. All of them perished in Jasenovac and Stara Gradiska.

Ivan Binder survived the war in a German POW camp.

Moric’s daughter Hannah married Leo Brandajz. Both of them survived the occupation, moved to Israel and died there. Another one of Moric’s daughters, Judith married Vladimir-Dragutin Badalic a Croat by nationality. They had a daughter, Dana (1922). She attended the first three classes of the Jewish school right up to the closing down of the institution. In 1946 Dana married Momcilo Dimitrijevic, of Serbian nationality.

Dana died in Zemun in 2003.