Grobno mesto
Grave position
Kamenorezac /



(Kliknite na sliku da je uvećate / click on image to enlarge)
Imena sahranjenih: Names of buried:

Danilo I. Nahmijas

Danilo I. Nachmias

Natpis na spomeniku (prednja strana):
Epitaph (front side of the gravestone):

Oвде почива
И. Нахмијас
уч. IV раз. Реал. Гим.
умро у 17. години
спомен подиже му
ожалошћени отац и мати
са сестром

(Epitaf ispisan na srpskom ćirilićnim pismom)

Here lies
I. Nachmias
IV grade Real. Gimnasium pupil
died in his 17th year
this memorial to him was raised by his
grieving father and mother
and sister

(Epitaph is translated from Serbian language into English/Cyrillic alphabet)

Natpis na spomeniku (stražnja strana):
Epitaph (back side of the gravestone):



Dodatne informacije o porodici Additional info about the family

Isak Nahmijas, bio je po liku tip Sanča Panse, a nije mu nedostajalo ni šeretskog duha. Dosta uspešno se bavio kupoprodajom nekretnina. Kancelariju nije imao i zato je bio stalno u pokretu ili u otmenijim kafanama. Jednom prilikom je u svom dvorištu iz papirne kese jeo maslinke. To je gledao dečak, inače njegovo kumče, koji još nikad nije okusio maslinku. Detetu se učinilo da je to neko slatko voće i upita kuma da li je u pravu. Isak potvrdno klimnu glavom i još glasnije poče da se sladi. Dečak ga zamoli da i on proba tu slast, na šta odmah dobi dve maslinke, koje bez razmišljanja strpa u usta. Kada iz maslinki umesto šećera pocuri bljutavo ulje dečak umalo ne povrati svoju utrobu, a Isaku se tresao njegov ne mali stomak od smeha.

Bio je oženjen Jozefinom Erndiner, imali su sina Danila i ćerku Lenku. Danilo je nažalost umro veoma mlad, u 12 godini, 1920. godine.

Isak Nachmias, with a countenance that fairly resembled Sancho Pansa, was a man of high spirits, an incorrigible jester. He was a reasonably efficient real estate agent. He did not have an office and would either be on the move or sitting in one of the finer restaurants. On one occasion he was seen sitting in his garden eating olives from a paper bag. His godson, a boy at the time, who had never before tasted an olive, stood watching him. To the youngster saw the olive as a sort of sweet, luscious fruit and he asked his god-father whether he was right. Isak nodding his head in response devoured the next olive with renewed zest. Tempted, the boy asked him if he could try a tasty one. He was given not one, but two olives, which he gobbled up in a second. Biting into the unsavory oily matter instead of the expected sugariness the boy almost threw up, while Isak’s round belly rocked with laughter.

He was married to Josefina Erndiner, they had a son Danilo and daughter Lenka. Unfortunately Danilo died very young in 1920. He was 12 years old.