Grobno mesto
Grave position
Kamenorezac /

Fischer, Szeged


(Kliknite na sliku da je uvećate / click on image to enlarge)
Imena sahranjenih: Names of buried:

Johana, Gabriel, Ana, Lizelote, Mihajlo Polgar

Johanna, Gabriel, Anna, Lieselotte, Mihailo Polgar

Natpis na spomeniku (prednja strana):
Epitaph (front side of the gravestone):

Ovde počiva važna i draga žena, gospođa Hendel Polgar, u blagoslovenom sećanju. Sudbina me je stigla (pesnički) pogodila me je u gubitku, mene i mog sina pala je slomljenost, ''dijadema'' je otišla u tugu mojoj duši, smrt je udarila na moja vrata ukravši moju sreću, moja draga supruga, majka mog sina je otišla, Milosrdni i Samilostan! Primi u samilosti njenu dušu. Umrla u svitanje dana 9. Sivana 5668. (8. juni 1908.)

(Prevedeno sa hebrejskog)

Ovde počiva
Johana Polgar
1854. – 1908.
dika za žene i ponos za supruga
verna i predana mati
Počivaj nežno! Počivaj u miru!
Ovde počiva

(prevedeno s nemačkog)

Ovde počiva oficir i velikodušan čovek Gabriel Polgar, blagosloven u sećanju, takođe naš otac spušten sa visina u grob, u njegovom srcu voleo je težak rad i red, video je blagostanje od svog posla, svako ko se pojavio na njegovim vratima postao je poznat u svetu  Svi su ga voleli, poverljivi ljudi i saveznici borci su se borili za za svoju zajednicu, njegovom smrću uzet nam je jastuk ispod glave. Život, smrt i nema ga, umro u Beču 4. Hešvana 5676. (12. oktobar 1915.) prenet u njegov grob 17. Ijara 5680. (5. maj 1920.)

(Prevedeno sa hebrejskog)

Gabriel Polgar
čovek od dužnosti i fanatičar rada,
prijatelj siromaha i pomagač u nuždi,
ti uzor sinovima, slava tvojoj uspomeni.
za sećanje
na moju dragu
majku koja počiva
u tuđoj zemlji
gospođu Anu
Polgar Murmajer
1896. - 1979.
i tvoju sestru
Inge Ambrosi
1919. – 1940.

Ovde počiva naša nezaboravna
ćerka i sestra
Lizelote Polgar
rođena 28.-IV-1924.
umrla 10.-XI-1957.

(prevedeno s nemačkog)

Here lies a noteworthy and dear lady mistress Hendel Polgar of blessed memory. Fate struck me down in my loss, my son and I are broken, the “diadem” is gone to the woe of my soul, death has struck at my door stealing my happiness, my dear wife, the mother of my son has departed Thou merciful and compassionate! Embrace with compassion her soul. She died at dawn on 9.Sivan 5668 (8th June 1908.)

(Translated into English from Serbian translation of original Hebrew texts)

Here lies
Johanna Polgar
1854. – 1908.
an honor to women and a pride to her husband
a faithful and dedicated mother
Rest gently! Rest in peace!
Here lies

(Translated into English from Serbian translation of original German texts)

Here lies an officer and generous man Gabriel Polgar of blessed memory, our father taken from the this land to this grave, in his heart he loved hard work and order, from his work he gained good fortune, everyone who approached his door became known universally. He was loved by all, men covert and allies, soldiers who fought for their community. His death has taken the cushion from under our heads. Life - death and he is no more. He died in Vienna 4. Cheshvan 5676. (12th October 1915. and was moved to his grave 17. Iyyar 5680. (5th May 1920.)

(Translated into English from Serbian translation of original Hebrew texts)

Gabriel Polgar
a man of duty and work fanatic
a friend to the poor and to those in need
an archetype to sons, glory to your memory
to the memory of
my dear
mother who lies
in a foreign land
mistress Ana
Polgar Murmayer
1896. - 1979.
and her sister
Inge Ambrosi
1919. – 1940.

Here lies our memorable
daughter and sister
Lieselotte Polgar
born 28. IV 1924.
died 10. XI 1957.

(Translated into English from Serbian translation of original German texts)

Natpis na spomeniku (stražnja strana):
Epitaph (back side of the gravestone):



Dodatne informacije o porodici Additional info about the family

Gabriel Polgar je došao u Zemun u drugoj polovini XIX veka. Rođen je 1853., a umro je 1915. godine. Bio je oženjen Johanom Kački (1854.- 1908.).

Po dolasku u Zemun, zajedno sa Binderom, otvorio je drvaru, koja je poslovala sve do  Drugog svetskog rata.

Gabriel je bio aktivan član jevrejske  zajednice u Zemunu i jedno vreme je bio predsednik Opštine.

Gabriel i Johana su imali tri sina:

Mihael je rođen 1882. a umro je 1923.

Ivan (Janoš) rođen je 1885., bio je inženjer mostogradnje. Okupaciju je proveo u jednom hotelu u Budimpešti. Kada je počelo sakupljanje Jevreja u Mađarskoj pobegao je sa ženom i ćerkom na selo. Po oslobođenju vratio se u Beograd. Godine 1948. iselio se u Izrael, gde je i umro. Njegova ćerka Vanda živi u Beču.

Zoltan Polgar (1883. – 1958.) bio je drvar. Oženio se Anom rođenom Mirmajer ( 1896. – 1979.), Austrijankom, koja je prešla u jevrejsku veru.

Polgarovi su imali imanje kod Bežanijske kose. Na tom imanju su se jedno vreme obučavali za poljoprivredne radove budući halucim (pioniri) koji su se spremali za iseljenje u Palestinu.

Kada su u Zemun počeli pristizati Jevreji emigranti, koji su iz Nemačke i Austrije bežali od nacističkih progona, većina ih je bila smeštena na Polgarovom imanju. Tu im je pored smeštaja obezbeđena  hrana i druge potrebe.

Zoltan i Ana su imali dve ćerke: Liselotu ( 1924.-1957.) i Mihaelu, rođenu 1925. godine, koja sada živi u Beogradu.

Za vreme okupacije Zoltan je ostao u Zemunu. Krio se u Gornjem gradu. Jedno vreme je bio u zatvoru. Pušten je na intervenciju domaćih Nemaca.

Za to vreme, Ana je slobodno živela u svom stanu sa Mihaelom i Liselotom.

Mihaela se 1942. godine u Zagrebu udala za Kazimira Vagnera, koji je kasnije bio u partizanima. Godine 1943. rođen im je sin Tomislav. On živi u Rijeci kao turistički stručnjak u penziji. Ima dva sina i dve ćerke.

Gabriel Polgar came to Zemun in the second half of the XIX century. He was born in 1850 and died in 1916. He married Johanna Katzki (1851-1908).

Once in Zemun he set up a timber yard together with Binder. Their woodworking enterprise was in operation right up to the Second World War.

Gabriel was an active member of the Zemun Jewish population and for a time presided over its Community.

Gabriel and Johanna had three sons:

Michael was born in 1881 and died in 1923.

Ivan (Janos) was born in 1885 and was a civil engineer engaged in bridge construction. He spent the years of occupation in a hotel in Budapest. When the rounding up of Jews began in Hungary he managed to escape to the countryside with his wife and daughter. After the war he returned to Belgrade. In 1948 he immigrated to Israel where he died. His daughter Wanda lives in Vienna.

Zoltan (1883-1858) was a industrials. He married Ana nee Muhrmayer, an Austrian, who converted to the Jewish faith.

The Polgars owned an estate in the vicinity of Bezanijska kosa. For a time this site was used for training future halucim (pioneers) for agricultural work in preparation for their emigration to the Palestine.

Jewish immigrants fleeing from Germany and Austria before Nazi mass deportations came to Zemun, were they were usually situated on the Polgar estate. There they were provided with board and lodging and other necessities.

Zoltan and Ana had two daughters: Liselot (1924-1957) and Michaela, born in 1925 and living in Belgrade.

Zoltan remained in Zemun during the occupation. He hide in the Upper city. He spent some time in prison. He was released upon the intervention of local Germans.

Throughout the occupation Ana lived freely in her apartment with Michaela and Liselot.

In 1942 Michaela married Kazimir Wagner in Zagreb. Sometime later he joined the partisans. In 1943 their son Tomislav was born. He lives in Rijeka and is now a pensioner. He was an expert in tourism. He has two sons and two daughters.