Grobno mesto
Grave position
Kamenorezac /



(Kliknite na sliku da je uvećate / click on image to enlarge)
Imena sahranjenih: Names of buried:

Regina Hercl

Regina Herzl

Natpis na spomeniku (prednja strana):
Epitaph (front side of the gravestone):

Ovde počiva skromna i bogobojažljiva žena Rivka Hercl, umrla 21. Elula 5648. (29. jula 1888.) u žalosti sinova i porodice


(prevedeno s hebrejskog)

Here lies a modest and God-fearing lady Rivka Herzl, died 21. Elul 5648. (29. jula 1888.)

Mourned by her sons and family


(Translated into English from Serbian translation of original Hebrew texts)

Natpis na spomeniku (stražnja strana):
Epitaph (back side of the gravestone):

Ovde počiva
Regina Hercl
rođena Bilic
umrla u njenoj 90 godini života
29 jula 1888.
duboko ožaljena od njene dece, unuka i praunuka
Blagosloveno sećanje na nju

(prevedeno s nemačkog)

Here lies
Regina Herzl
nee Bielitz
died in the 90th year of her life
on 29. July 1888.
deeply mourned by her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren
May her soul be bound up in the bond of eternal life

(Translated into English from Serbian translation of original German texts)

Dodatne informacije o porodici Additional info about the family

Greta Hercl, udata Laskin, rođena je u Beču 1921. godine. Ona je jedan od potomaka porodice Teodora Hercla iz Zemuna. Po njenom kazivanju njen pradeda Moše Hercl bio je rođeni brat dede Teodora Hercla. U Jad Vašemu u šematskom prikazu porodičnog stabla Herclovih stoje imena Grete i njene dece. U Jerusalimu se svake godine u Knesetu obeležava godišnjica rođenja Teodora Hercla i Greta biva redovno pozivana kao potomak porodice Hercl.

Gretin deda Jakob bio je oženjen Gizelom Goldštajn. Imali su sedmoro dece:

- Moris, otac Grete i njene sestre Neli

- Rihard, nije bio oženjen

- Oskar, takođe neoženjen

- Ilona, bila udata za Alberta Dragonera i došli su u Palestinu 1943. godine

- Melani, udata za Špajča, koji nije bio Jevrejin

- Šarlota, bila udata za dr Banda iz Zemuna, oboje oterani iz Zemuna u Jasenovac

- Hermina nije bila udata.

Greta je bila član organizacije Bejtar (nacionalističke i revizionističke orijentacije) u Beogradu i odlučila se na odlazak u Palestinu. Godine 1939. pošla je preko Varne sa ilegalnim transportom. Odjednom su u voz ušla petorica bugarskih nacista i počeli da ih ispituju odakle su, kuda idu i tome slično. Greta se veoma uplašila, ali je zadržala prisustvo duha. Ispričala je da putuju iz svog zadovoljstva i da žele posebno da uživaju u Crnom moru.

Tako je 1939. godine Greta stigla u Palestinu. Udala se za Jozefa Mordehaja i snjim bila u braku samo dve nedelje. Jozef je bio uhapšen i ubijen.

Greta je bila zbog ilegalnog rada dve godine u engleskom zatvoru. Za to vreme je njen stanodavac delimično prodao, a delimično bacio sve njene stvari. Tako su joj sve slike i uspomene iz predratnog perioda propale.

Godine 1946. Greta se udala za Zev Laskina. On je bio poreklom iz Rusije. Imali su dva sina. Sin Benjamin (Beni) poginuo je u borbama 1970. godine, a drugi sin Rami ima dvoje dece, Niv i Matan i živi u Nataniji. Radi kao rukovodilac u jednoj Hi Tec firmi.

Greta danas živi u jednom domu za stare u Tel Avivu.

Greta Herzl, married Laskin, was born in Vienna in 1921. She is a the descendants of Theodore Herzl’s family from Zemun. According to her recollections her great grand-father Moshe Herzl was brother to Theodore Herzl’s grandfather. In Yad Vashem the name of Greta and her children has been entered in the genealogical map of the Herzl family tree. Each year the day of Theodore Herzl is commemorated in the Knesset in Jerusalem. As a direct descendant of the Herzl family, Greta is invited to be present on the occasion.

Greta’s grandfather Jacob married Giselle Goldstein. They had seven children.

Moris, father to Greta and her sister Neli,

Rihard, remained single,

Oscar, also remained single,

Ilona, married to Albert Dragoner. They came to the Palestine in 1943,

Melanie, married to Speitsch, a non-Jew,

Charlotte, married to Dr. Band from Zemun. Both were deported from Zemun to Jasenovac,

Hermina, remained single.

Greta was a member of the Beytar organization (of nationalistic and revisionist orientation) in Belgrade. She was resolved to depart for the Palestine. In 1939 she started off via Varna with illegal means of transport. During the journey out of nowhere five Bulgarian Nazis entered the train and started to interrogate them; where were they from, where were they heading and so on. Greta was terribly frightened but managed to keep calm. She told them that they were travelling for pleasure and that they particularly wished to enjoy the sights of the Black Sea. Thus Greta reached the Palestine in 1939. She married Josef Mordehaj but their marriage lasted two weeks only. Josef was arrested and killed. Because of her illegal work Greta spent two years in an English prison. During this time her landlord partly sold, partly threw out her entire belongings. All her pictures and memories from the pre-war period were destroyed. In 1946 Greta married Zeev Laskin. He was Russian by origin. They had two sons. Their son Benjamin (Beni) was killed in battle in 1970. Their second son Rami has two children Niv and Matan and lives in Natania. He is an executive in a Hi Tec company.

Today Greta lives in Tel Aviv in a resting home for the elderly.