Grobno mesto
Grave position
Kamenorezac /

A. Forester Zuckmantel/Adolf Schmack


(Kliknite na sliku da je uvećate / click on image to enlarge)
Imena sahranjenih: Names of buried:

Mordehaj Dav. Halfon

Mordechai Dav. Halfon

Natpis na spomeniku (prednja strana):
Epitaph (front side of the gravestone):

Ovde počiva bogobojažljiv poštovan čovek koji se klonio zla Mordehaj David Halfon, za ovim bogobojažljivim čovekom teku moje suze, koji je sa radošću  služio Bogu ...,  star 58. godina, umro 22. Elula 5652. godine, supruga i sinovi su postavili ovaj spomenik njemu
Neka njegova duša bude besmrtna

(prevedeno s hebrejskog)

Ovde počiva
Moredhaj Dav.Halfon
rođen 6. maja 1834.
umro 14. septembra 1892.
oplakan od svoje supruge
i svoje dece
Mir njegovom pepelu!  

(prevedeno s nemačkog)

Here lies a God-fearing revered man who shied away from evil Mordechai David Halfon, my tears flow for this God-fearing man who served God with mirth… 58. years old, died 22. Elul 5652. his wife and sons have raised this memorial to him
May his soul be bound up in the bond of eternal life

(Translated into English from Serbian translation of original Hebrew texts)

Here lies
Mordechai Dav.Halfon
born 6. May 1834.
died 14. September 1892.
lamented by his wife
and his children
May his ashes rest in peace!

(Translated into English from Serbian translation of original German texts)

Natpis na spomeniku (stražnja strana):
Epitaph (back side of the gravestone):



Dodatne informacije o porodici Additional info about the family